[@Lovejoy] ah, fair enough. Sure, that's reasonable. Although if anyone hit a wall or something in such a way that they broke their neck, wouldn't be much at could be done about it. Maybe that happened once? Unless they're having students with certain powers go up against fully trained inquisitors so they truly don't have to worry about causing injury, there's some abilities that do not lend themselves well to being practiced before students master the art of defense. OR. Maybe it wasn't a spar -- they expect people to get hurt then. Maybe someone tried to give her a hard time back when she was still really insecure, maybe tried to above her around a bit. She got scared, used her ether, and BAM. He hit wrong, broke his neck, and by the time anyone could get a healer it was too late. I imagine she got in trouble for that. ^.^ would that scenario be acceptable? Up to you, I can take it out. Although, you say this guy never lost a student -- does that include in the insane trials? [@vietmyke] The other issue is her power was pretty strong even at the beginning -- her difficulties were controlling output as well as buildinup endurance. She'd use it once, and be worn out, and she couldn't control how much force she was using. Meanwhile, folks were still learninhow to defend. So no, she's not all that popular. I did mention that there are younger inquisitors that are terrified of her. Anyone in her class would know at initially she was very frightened, and aside from general mistakes where she screwed up and made an explosion instead of what she wanted, she was at her most unpredictable when frightened, stressed, or desperate. Initially she was pretty shaken when she hurt someone, but within a couple years she seemed to stop caring, or at least got used to the fact that her ether abilities ended up getting people hurt a lot of the time. Her response if asked is probably something alonthe lines of "becoming an inquisitor is dangerous. It's not like it was deliberate, but yeah, people got hurt." (So?)