[@Mae] yesss, I find that faceclaims and stuff are very rarely precisely what I want, and while dollmakers suck at facial structure and body structure and stuff, they ROCK for clothing. It's the one on [url=subeta.net], and while the items themselves, particularly custom wearables, can cost a lot of in-game or even irl monies, there's a thing in the wardrobe that lets you make avatars with EVERY ITEM ON SITE and it's [i]glorious[/i]. I use it a lot, especially since I like making avatars of my characters, and then I'll use it as a drawing reference, and *flailing* It's particularly nice when I can't get the char onto paper myself. <3 Honestly if I get a pencil sketch I do not mind this -- all arts are good arts! -- but you are 1000% correct, copypaste (and undo!) are lifesavers. I cry when I put something in the wrong spot on paper.