Destoroyah was amused by the rather simplistic carnage that Otachi was currently causing. The micro-oxygen kaiju herself was on a roof top a dozen or so building away from where the rift kaiju was, and while Des was rather tempted to reveal herself in all her unholy glory and answer the challenging call that Otachi had bellowed out. She had opted to wait for a bit first; after all she knew nothing about this interloper at the moment. There was also the fact that she had seen the KGDF choppers in the area and was positive that they had sent someone to deal with the current threat. Depending on who that was would determine whether or not Des would intervene. She had been careful to not reveal herself too often to the KGDF, but if she was being honest she was starting to grow tired of the game of cat and mouse they had been playing for the past few decades. The final thing that cemented the decision to stay hidden for the moment was the possibility of seeing her beloved, after all Godzilla was known to defend Japan more frequently than anywhere else and was even seen cooperating alongside the KGDF at times. The possibility of seeing Godzilla work up close was an exhilarating thought. [color=#841c2b][i] ‘Still, it wouldn’t do to not be prepared in case things ended up turning boring’[/i][/color] With that thought in mind Destoroyah began to split in to a few dozen parts, a majority of them changed in to their juvenile forms and took off in to the city to start hunting down stray humans in the chaos by the kaiju attack. The remaining three parts maintained their Gijinka forms but split up to watch Otachi level a few more buildings while the expected reinforcements arrived. It was while the larger pieces were moving in to place that one of them saw Gipsy Danger speeding through the streets. [color=#841c2b][i] ‘Seems that you will be the deciding factor little Gipsy’[/i][/color] She mused as the piece that spotted her began to tail her instead. [color=#841c2b][i] ‘Don’t disappoint me now’[/i][/color] [@Lmpkio][@Holy Grail]