[hider] [center][color=556B2F][h1]Vladimir von Wolfgang[/h1][/color] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/92d0/f/2015/323/3/4/20151118_male_beard_face_psdelux_by_psdeluxe-d9h6qt6.jpg[/img] [h3][i]”There is no great genius without some touch of madness.” [/i][/h3][/center] [color=556B2F][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Vladimir von Wolfgang[/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Vlad, the Bloody Doctor, the Death Giver [/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Faction: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Pirates[/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Rank:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Doctor, Master Gunner [/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] 32 [/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Crime:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Killing and plundering [/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Height [/u][/b][/color] [indent] 6'1”[/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Weight [/u][/b][/color] [indent] 150 [/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Appearance [/u][/b][/color] [indent] Vlad is tall, but a little thin. He always comes to other as a man in a long black jacket and covering his face with a bird-like mask. He prefers wearing a lamellar with a gambeson underneath to provide maximum safety for himself. [/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Inventory[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]A long black coat [*] A bird mask [*] One musket, a box of black powder, and bullets [*] Experiment tools [*] Two boxes of surgical equipment. [*] A picture of a woman holding a little girl in her arms [*] Lamellar: A subtype of laminar. "While Laminar armor was not always made of leather, it was not uncommon. Laminar armor is an armor made of horizontal, overlapping rows of scale plates made of various material. It was popular throughout the Middle East and Asia. If you think of Japanese foot soldier, or a Roman foot soldier's armor often called lorica segmentata, this is it. It's hard to distinguish the difference between Lamellar and Laminar, being essential also made of horizontal rows of plates. However, they were often laced together and not overlapping, and this armor was often worn over padding underneath. So this would be the type a Japanese foot soldier would wear, yet not what a Roman one would wear. So essentially, it could be considered a subtype of Laminar. "([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/166179-medieval-arms-and-armor-historical-guide-to-warfare-and-contexts/ooc] Medival Arms and Armor: Historical Guide to Warfare and Context [/url] ) [*] Gabesome: "It was used either on its own, or under chainmail/plate armor, the Gambeson was a thick jacket that could doubly serve for a winter coat. It was made by what we call 'quilting' (the process of sewing two or more layers of fabric together to make a thicker padded material), and its inner layers were filled with various things, such as wool or horsehair. Due to how thick the Gambeson was, it was surprisingly good at protection, though of course men often needed heavier armor to get the job done." ([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/166179-medieval-arms-and-armor-historical-guide-to-warfare-and-contexts/ooc] Medival Arms and Armor: Historical Guide to Warfare and Context [/url] ) [/list][/indent] [color=556B2F][b][u]Relic: [/u][/b][/color] The Mental [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2f/69/4c/2f694c483404182ad0cd10fdee2eb98c.jpg[/img][/center] The Mental is not the name of the vial, but the name of the liquid inside. Unlike normal fluid, the liquid inside seems to move on their own, unaffected by the surrounding. Created the Alchemist, the thing is said to give mankind the strength of a demon. Rumors said injecting this will make that person to wield the strength to stand against demi-gods and maybe even God himself. But rumors are still rumors, as it was never been used by the Alchemist, nor by others. But the power of is still waiting to be used. Blessing: When any person directly injects the Mental into his or her blood, the liquid inside will make that person blood to change. This changes will make his blood to appear green and can be used as an extremely powerful steroid. These steroid is called doses and these doses can use simutaniously to stack the effects. The time limit for the effect to last is ten minute for young and old people, and fifteen for adult. Using simultaneously will not increase the length, only strengthening the effect and the aftermaths when the steroid had run out. To make each vial, Vlad cost 500mg of his blood, making him to only able to create 4 vial maximum per day. And it also grant Vlad the ability to immune from these doses, although it also meant using these will not enhanced his power. 1 dose: kid: beat 5 well-trained guards. Will be immobilized for a day, and having multiple headaches, impaired vision and directions that will last for a few days after using the doses. Also, the person will require a large amount of food and water in order to regain the normal weight that had been used. If the person does not provide enough food and water, death is certain. The amount of food requires at least for a child to overcome the effect is about 5 kg of rations. adult: beat 20 well-trained guards. Will be immobilized for a day, and having multiple headaches, impaired vision and directions that could last for a few days after using the doses. Also, the person will require a large amount of food and water in order to regain the normal weight that had been used. If the person does not provide enough food and water, death is certain. The amount of food requires at least for a normal adult to overcome the effect is at least 7,5 kg of rations. 2 doses: kid: dead adult: beat 50 well-trained royal guards. Will be immobilized for at least two days, and having multiple headaches, impaired vision and directions that will last for several weeks if not months after using the doses. He or she will also have these signs: failure kidneys, multiple headaches, enlarged heart (although not fatal but the difference can still be seen when compared to the normal human heart), and cracks start to appear. Also, the person will require a large amount of food and water in order to regain the normal weight that had been used. Multiple uses of 2 doses daily can kill a person. The only exception to this is if the receiver has a strength at least a knight level stronger, exceeding this doses level are not recommended and should only use in a dire situation. 2.5 doses: Kid: died due to brain death. As the receiver received this steroid, the amount of substance that uses to oppress the pain now become the thing that separates the brain from the rest of the body. Now, the patient will suffer lost all senses like touch and hearing. As the body began to grow, due to the difference in the growth of organs against the growth of the receiver skeleton structure, his or her organs will now start overgrowth and start to imply pressure on the chest. Their muscle will also grow, but due to the brain unable to send any signal to any parts, their movement is near to zero. This growth will reach to a state when the lung and the heart had grown to such size that they start to imply pressure on each other. The process for all of this to happen is about 2 minutes after injection. The time may vary based on the receiver, but it will never be higher than 4 minutes mark. At 5 minutes mark, the lungs now started to grow outward, trying to squeeze through the intercostal space (the spaces between two ribs). But the heart remains unchanged as the lungs have now covered it and pressure it to remain at the 2-minute size. Due to the growth of organs inside the body (except eyes and brain), fracture all across skeleton structure can now be clearly seen, some even detach from its previous location. At 7 minutes mark, the brain began to grow, but not dangerous enough as the skull has grown significantly from the beginning. The receiver seems to still able to possess some conscious due to their eyes movement, meaning he or she had remained conscious from the beginning. At 8 minutes mark, punctures in multiple organs can now be seen. The receiver still remains conscious. This is caused mainly because of their regeneration power had temporary boost themselves from internal bleeding. At 10 minutes mark, as the effects start to wear off, so does the regeneration power. The organs started to shrink into their normal size, with multiple places in lungs, kidneys, stomach, and intestine heavily damage. The patient usually died at the 12 minutes mark, due to internal bleeding Adult (knights or higher level): If the receiver is a normal person, he or she will have the same result as the kid. Only this time, instead of the 12-minute mark, the receiver will live until 17 to 19 minutes mark. If the receiver is a knight or something stronger, he or she will have enough strength to kill at least 75 well-trained royal guards when in melee just by brute force. They will no longer feel pain and have a regeneration strong enough to overcome third-degree burn. At this level, the receiver regeneration can now be seen clearly by eyes, as nonlethal cuts can be healed in half a minute or so. For broken bones and more lethal injuries, it will take a little bit longer depending on the amount of damage has been dealt. The doses now also start to rearranged to the skeleton structure and muscle formation to a new form to withstand the new growth. This will take about ten seconds, but the pain that the receiver took may kill his or herself. At 30 seconds from the injection, the height of the receiver had now touch three meters tall. The strength is now also improved significantly as he or she could now produce a strength equivalent to two elephants combined. The process of transformation by this time is now complete. After 15 minutes, the receiver will have these symptoms as side effects: internal bleeding, abnormal heartbeat, concussive brain damage, impaired vision, and lost the ability to move due to the stress has been put on the body. The receiver may be able to walk after three days but abnormal heartbeats, concussive brain damage and somewhat impaired vision will still remain. During the time the receiver is immobilized, he or she could experience starvation and hydration, so medical care is required. And it is for the best to the receiver for never touch this steroid as his or her body may kill itself when having this amount of doses again. 3 doses: Kid: The result remains the same when using 2.5 doses. Adult (normal): The result similar when using 2,5 doses Adult (knight): Died, with all effect like normal person when received 2,5 doses Adult (Herculean): To take this amount of doses mean two things, that person is having a mental problem or is not entirely a human. This amount of doses only work on a certain group of people as these people are extremely strong and usually built for long period of combat. The percent of people able to use this about 1% of the total population. The only race that can use this as daily doses are the Herculean (although some called them Crokodan, Vlad called these as Herculean due to the straight they possess). The Herculean possess some physical difference that separates them from normal like have scales as skin, reptilian eyes, crocodilian mouth, much more muscular, long tail, and some part of their brain are more developed compared to others. These people are extremely strong and usually built for long period of combat. The amygdala, hypothalamus, thalamus, and the right hemisphere of the Herculean are extremely developed compared to the normal human. The other part that is more significant about these people is their heart is larger to compensate enough blood for their abnormal large body size, (their average height is 2,5 meters tall and weight about 125 kg ) and their hemoglobin is 1,5 times larger. They also possess a regeneration equal to a normal person taking level 1 dose of super steroid. Although having a significant advantage in the battle field, their undeveloped right brain of them limited them from becoming a nation. So, they are living like a tribe, with the strongest as the chief. They can be found in swamp deep inside the jungle, or among islands outside the seas. Their main diet consists primarily of fish and nearby herbal. When injecting 3 doses simultaneously, they could reach the height of 5 meters, with the strength that could easily tear an elephant in half or create a 1,5 radius hole on the castle fort’s wall. And 3 centimeters spike start to grow on their scales, adding extra layers of protection. Beneath their skin is now a thick layer of fat, able to dissipate most forces from outside. The Crokodan’s skeleton structure would also increase in size and density. But during 15 minutes, the Crokodan will become extremely savaged, unable to hear outside sources like commands. This can be caused due to their instinct overcome their intelligence part. After 15 minutes, the Crokodan will be immobilized for a day, and having multiple headaches, impaired vision and directions that could last for a few days after using the doses. Also, the person will require a large amount of food and water in order to regain the normal weight that had been used. If the reciever does not provide enough food and water, death is certain. The amount of food requires at least for a normal Crokodan to overcome the effect is at least 7,5 kg of rations. [b] Crokodan Normal State: [/b] [center][img]http://projects.inklesspen.com/fatal-and-friends/images/bcc96fc527c8f45dc77d71e0fe4c6828427063bc25125ddd94aa01538e5958ad.png[/img][/center] 4 doses: effect is unclear 5 doses: The only being that could withstand this amount of dose is those heroes that fought against the demons in myth and folklores. The strength after injecting is still unclear but some folklore said they could lift the Tree World by themselves alone. One thing for certain, the being that injecting 5 doses simutaneouly had now died. *The tree world: [center][img]http://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/field/image/Mythological-tree-norse.jpg[/img][/center] The largest being ever alive. Some said the tree is the first being that was created during Age of Chaos, an unreal time filled with magic and unreal being. Although being exgerated by the folklores, the tree's height is believe to be higher than Chrome-Luna, the highest mountain. Surround the Tree World are multiple tribes of Crokodan, making the place is the largest concentration place for Crokodan people. Sadly, the Tree was choped down in Years of Wars, Luxek's crown, by the largest empire during such time, Phogrand. This is the reason for the greatest and longest battle in both races history, lasting for 125 years of Fallen Leaves. The main battlefield reside in Pryhollow, a place where Phogrand's capital used to reside. During the battle, at least 500,000 civilians, 3,000,000 horses, 250,000 Phogrand soldiers, and 200,000 Crokodan to perish. The place is now filled with the corpse and military equipments of both sides. Rumors said, during the battle, the blood from both sides create a pool that could easily fill the Sea Lake, the largest lake that had ever been found. And to this very day, sound of armor and metal clashing against each other can still be heard in the Grand Hall of Pryhollow, where King Phoebo lost his head. Curse: The person that injected this will have hallucinations and multiple personalities. If that person has PTSD, he or she will experience endless loopback and his or her ability to distinguishe hallucination and something real will completely be diminished. [color=556B2F][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] Vlad was born from a low-class family, where his parents work as a farmer and housekeepers for the local landlord. But apart from that, Vladimir appeared to be a smart child. At the age of five, his parents send him to a relative’s house to begin his study, hoping their son to have a better future. And his name soon be known across the nation as one of the prodigies in medical science, under the instruction of Charles Smith, the head advisor of the Queen Keena. And the citizen expecting him to be someone great, that will advance the nation medical and science overall. People from the higher class invited him to join them and become one of their members. Women from high social class wanting to form a longlasting relationship with him. But against what others expect, Vlad marry a normal girl, who's coming out from a normal family. She was one of Vlad's childhood friend, who he had rooted for a long time. And of course, she accepts him. They enjoyed their honeymoon times before having to return his studies at the capital. But hope fell short when Vlad’s nation, Rakna is declared war by one of its neighboring country. As a respond, the Rakna wanted all male at the age of 15 from 50 to join the army, including those scientist and prodigies. The nation as a whole came into a halt with trading decimated, productions line stop, and crops withered. Now, everything is about war. The result of the Battle of the Valley Runksa and other various topic about war. The battle is so extreme that everyone, including the Queen’s son, is required to go to the battlefield. And no exception, Vlad was also one of them, taking charge to healing and tending sick and injured soldiers. But the death rate was high, even with doctors always nearby. The first reason that people die is due to the pain that they have to experienced when being amputated by Vlad. The second reason was that the damaged areas weren't clean properly. And disease and poor medical equipment is also one of them. But the most horror, it their death take time. It usually takes days if not weeks for one to die. And Vlad watched these men begging for him to end their pain. Their cries in agony echoing at the back of his mind. They could not stop crying. And the only thing that Vlad can do is give them some painkillers to ease them away. And some grew accustomed to it. First, they begged him to give more. Then, they demanded him. Finally, they threaten him. Despite how much Vlad hate them, he still does his job. He is the one who first think of the procedure required to perform a surgery. He was the first to perform the first surgery on man, trying to reconnect a man with his arm. And under Vlad lead, the injury rate decreased, but the dead rate stay unchanged. And it was simple, they died because they fear to dead. Even with the best painkiller Vlad have, the number of casualties still increases (during this time, painkiller is an expensive drug that not everyone can afford, and it is also less effective.) And those that could survive, could only live for a few days before they decided to kill themselves. The reason, as Vlad had recorded in his notebook, was because the pain that the patient suffers during the surgery was too much that it damage their brain and mind, leaving them to become highly unstable and having a strong urge to suicide. And it makes Vlad to look bad in his army, as everyone who come in is either dead or having a mental deficit. The war continues for 12 years, with thousands died on the battlefield. When Vlad was 30, the war end with Rakna is the victor. And because of his accomplishment in the war, Vlad given knighthood by Queen Keena. Vlad, now excited for his new title, returned to his home. And he was dumbstruck to found his wife sleeping with another man. And the rage blinded his wisdom as he killed the wife that cheated on him and the man that sleep with her. He killed them, slowly as he reminisced about his time spending at war. He asked her when she is screaming in pain. He tortured her with the man weeping sound. When the intelligence came back to him, Vlad weep. He weeps for doing something bad. He weeps for losing the dignity of a doctor. He blamed that it was someone else works. He then ran from his past, indulges in the painkillers, hoping it could ease his internal pain. Yet it does not seem to help him, as he now begins seeing himself reappeared in the battlefield. So he increased his dose per usage, quickly spending his money. Now, he joined the pirate, stealing and taking from other to create a stronger dose, something that could end his pain forever. [/hider] [@Neo Is Delight][@AngelofOctober] Really sorry for the waiting time