Hi there! So I’ve been having a bit of itch for writing again and would like to find a partner that can put up with me. A little about myself: So you may call me Pit for short so that you don’t have to call me Pitxgirl93. I’m a pit bull lover, hence my name, but you guys don’t care about that! Anyway, I’m in my mid 20s so just in case, I would like to request whoever responds to this be 18 or older. I’m not one for smut or anything like that, but you never know how dark things can get in a RP. That leads me to another thing about me, I like darker, gritty Rps that make the characters go through good character development. Ones where our characters go through a little torture before anything good happens to them. I’m also a sucker for romance. Whatever we go with plot wise, I would like to involve romance. No, I’m not a poor sucker, who sits at a computer writing romance because she doesn’t have any in her life. I’m actually engaged, it is just my characters always demand romance in some way. I don’t know why, ask them if you want to know ;P As for what kinda writer I am. Well I usually write about 3 to 4 paragraphs and would like the same from my partner. I know sometimes you can only write so much in a scene and that is okay if there are a few short post here and there, but I do not like anything less than a paragraph. I usually post about twice weekly, though, if work isn’t too busy I can write more sometimes. Work does make me go dark sometimes, but I will try to warn you if I will not be able to respond for a bit. I like to flesh out my characters before the Rp starts, so a good character sheet is important to me. You don’t have to go all crazy with it, but putting in a bit of effort in writing it would be appreciated. I want to know a bit about your character beforehand so I know what my character is getting into. Pairing wise I only do FxF or MxF. Not familiar with MxM, so I’m not up for that. Sorry! That is enough about me and my requirements! As you can see from the title, I'm interested in doing a rp based on the purge movies. I just watched Purge Election year and it got me thinking of it. I don't have a set plot, but brainstorming is always fun. Let me know if you are interested!