[@CoyoteLovely][@Hekazu] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken[/color][/center] Hmmm, yes. She had previously mentioned how her presence had interfered with the workings of a starship she had reached in her travels. It was a reasonable question to ask about the thing they would be flying around at lethal speeds in. [color=fff200]"I will answer the second question first as it is more important. Yes, most mages don't mix well with advanced technology. The warping of reality tends to mess with the intricate electronics and nanotechnology involved. My people have traveling the stars for a long time however. Long enough that our magical bond has seeped into our blood. We had to figure out ways for magic and technology to coexist or be severely limited in those we could help. We did that in two ways." [/color] He held up a finger.[color=fff200] "The first was to develop magic that had a limited impact on technology. My style of magic focuses on controlling the fundamental particles of light. At my level that magic is restrained to the that light, it doesn't leak out and effect nearby pieces of high technology." [/color] A second finger was raised. [color=fff200]"The second way was by developing technology that could both resist magical warping and included it in the design. As far as I know we are the sole world traveling group who uses that type of technology in any great numbers. My ship is built like that. It has to be to work here. This planet is so chock full of magical energy that most ship can barely fly. Some can't even do that."[/color] Fionn's hand went back to cutting up the meat on his plate. He was hungry but it was rude to spit food at people when talking. Preparing the food for consumption upon cessation of speech was much better. [color=fff200]"As for how it's powered? My people call it a Zero Point Energy Generator. To put it simply it draws on the fabric of reality to produce usable energy."[/color]