[center][color=00CED1][h3]The Iceborn[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [b]X) Other:[/b] "So Kjorn is watching us, and you have won us his favor," the chieftain proclaimed, for to Dag this runestone of obviously magical properties was evidence enough of that. "You said that this appeared after you slew the bear, Sigdar? Then this is your prize, and it is a fool who rejects the boon offered unto him by a god. You must take this flame back to the settlement, and then perhaps we will discover what power or meaning it holds." With the decree made, the chieftain was quick to return to Dagshall. His people needed him now, for this new enemy in the sea could strike at any moment and the Iceborn would need to be prepared. As Kjorn's champion, it fell to Sigdar to bring the flame back to Dagshall; if simply setting aflame a stick and bringing the flame back with that torch proved impossible, he would arrange to have the entire runestone dragged out of the forest. Shortly after visiting the runestone, Dag oversaw preparations in his settlement. While the tribesmen capable of battle gathered their arms and shields and steeled themselves for battle, Dag and some of the elders tried to talk sense back into the survivors of the recent attack. [hider=Iceborn] -Dag interprets the flame as a gift to Sigdar, so Sigdar is trying to bring it back to Dagshall. -The Iceborn are getting ready for battle after the sailors on their longship were attacked by enemies that came from the sea. -Dag and some elders are trying to ask the attack's shaken survivors exactly what happened and figure out who the enemy is. [/hider]