[b][h3][center][color=ec100c]Bryson Green (Ifrit)[/color][/center][/h3][/b][center]The Zenith - Protectorate HQ[/center][hr] The further I was lead through the labs, the more impressed I became..... In the movies, laboratories are always pristine and clean, organized, with everything labeled. In reality this was not the case, movie laboratories were as true to labs as movie bedrooms were to real bedrooms. This place however.... this was the inverse. The tinker workshop had been built by someone who [i]cared.[/i] The whole thing was well designed, everything looked as though it had been well thought through. Despite the lab spaces being messy, they were designed in such a way that they didn't [i]feel[/i] messy, they felt natural. I doubted I could manage to actually make it look disorganized, and the slightest effort in maintaining order made every lab here look like a work of art. Every lab we passed made my draw droop just a little further. We passed what looked like it was Replicant's lab. I thought I could hear... a pig? In my quick glimpse I saw increasingly confusing looking containment units, an incubator normally used to store microorganisms held a bunch of rats that looked a [i]little too muscular[/i] for normal rats. Even more confusing, the unit was labeled with a genus of microorganism, but it was a [i]eukaryotic[/i] micro-organism, which normally couldn't possibly survive in a mammalian body but... I resolved to stay [i]well clear[/i] of that particular laboratory. As Walter continued: “I’ve been given the privilege of showing you to your own private lab. The good news is, given how much potential you’ve shown, we’ve cleared out one of the larger ones for you. As such, it comes with a number of perks that you usually have to earn. For a start, basically any tools or materials you need should be kicking around somewhere. It was fully stocked not so long ago. If you ever need a hand finding anything, let me know. Until about a week ago, it was mine.” I found the compliment enormously flattering, not only the words but the actions to back it up! I wasn't one to prioritize glory, or recognition. I tried to be pragmatic, but having someone as prominent and experienced as Walter call me promising, that was nice... it went a long way. In the back of my mind I knew both the compliment and the gift (in the form of his former lab) was probably a maneuver meant to make me feel more indebted to the team, to quickly build trust by making such a kindly offering, but I [i]wanted[/i] to appreciate the gift and feel like I was part of the team, so I dismissed the thought. Walter continued to talk about Foucault, I could tell that he probably knew and missed the man, I had no doubt that working in the same laboratory would be a bitter sweet experience for him. Still, I felt my sympathy get sidetracked at the last statement, “We can eliminate it entirely.” That sounded a little... ominous. Praetor certainly seemed like an ambitious man, a fact I appreciated. I liked the idea of using all the tools at our disposal, but I was also suspicious of ambitious people, (who wasn't?) and I could see the danger in providing such tools to the wrong hands... Still, I decided to give the benefit of the doubt and resolved to worry about it later. As the lab doors opened, I felt all my resolve and thoughts melt into a big puddle on the floor. They would likely be mopped up by automated cleaning drones, but I did not even care at the sight of the gorgeous room which I had just heard Walter describe as mine. I barely managed to stand up straight as I already felt new ideas, new designs, faster and a thousand times more sophisticated then any human should ever be able to comprehend flooding into my mind. I could imagine building a [i]new[/i] 3d printer, one that operated faster and at a greater scale, yet with more precision then my relatively primitive prior generation. I could imagine finally being able to implement the aerial dispersion mechanism I had thought of, but lacked the material, I could build something that could actually be described as a [i]vehicle[/i] using all this space, I could..... I had to catch myself, almost literally, slow down, and remember that Walter was still here, I think he had asked a question or something and I hadn't even expressed my gratitude. I got a hold of myself and turned to him, "Thank you, so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you giving over your space, I know how hard that can be, I really owe you one. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help you, let me know. If you need any specialized materials, want something 3D printed, want a.... whatever! Just let me know. I uhh... I think I will be just fine. I have some things to bring in but not much, I can take care of it. I kinda want to just explore.... I'm sure you understand. If you need anything in here, you are always welcome of course. Let me know when you guys need me, I'm ready for anything, uhhh... or whatever! Thank you!" I normally would have been quite embarrassed, or would have felt bad, but I could not help the rush of information coming to my brain, and it needed an outlet. I had to get to work, start ordering my priorities. First I would need to maintain my current equipment, get it in here, make sure I was still in fighting ready shape. Second I would need to start on the new 3D printer, get processes running, get a chemical reactor started on the material I would need.... Third I would..... [i]Locally Concerned:[/i] [@Sickle-Cell][@ProPro]