When Archameron entered the hall, closely followed by Hemril, his eyes locked on Nadia. [B]"You've caused quite a stir Nadia, the Angelic guard was in a ruckus at your entrance."[/B] his voice boomed, [B]"I said you were to bring a select few to our meeting, not all of Hell."[/B] The High Chancellor made his way to the elevated platform near the back wherein two large thrones had been placed, one for him and one for the Demon Queen. Of course the Archangel of Wisdom took his customary position to Archameron's left. And as the Council filtered in Sylvanna made her way over to her usual spot, on his right. Azrael followed closely behind his mentor. As they walked through the chamber Azrael whispered to Sylvanna, [B]"They just let them in, isn't that a bad idea?"[/B] Sylvannas eyes scanned the crowd as she replied, [B]"Archameron controls the wards that protect the Heavens himself, and there are few powers in this or any realm that could breach those defenses. If they are in this realm it is at the High Chancellors invitation, the guards know that."[/B] Azrael thought for a moment before speaking again, [B]"Does that mean these things Nadia is worried about could enter Heaven?"[/B] Sylvanna glanced at the Demon Queen as they passed, [B]"It means we're worried there is a possibility that they might be able to."[/B]