[hider=Simon Johnson][center][h1][color=f49ac2]Simon Johnson[/color][/h1] [color=ec008c][b]Simon "Frederick" Johnson[/b][/color] [b][color=ec008c]Nicknames/Aliases[/color][/b] Sam [color=ec008c][b]Age[/b][/color] 35 [b][color=ec008c]Gender[/color][/b] Male or preferably Fidget Spinner [b][color=ec008c]Gift[/color][/b] Manipulation of Matter. Going into more detail in skills section, brief rundown. I can change the state of most matter, like solid-liquid-gas-plasma. Can change solids from crystalline to amorphous, back and forth. Can move the particles of the matter, increasing energy or decreasing it. Can move and shape matter, like telepathy. Cannot move/shape the particles of plasma. [b][color=ec008c]Loyalty[/color][/b] Erubesco-Alchemist [color=ec008c][b]Description [/b][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cf/85/9b/cf859b855b32907a70ce1436c5cfe25d--character-concept-character-ideas.jpg[/img] Simon usually wears goggles and a scarf for reasons stated in skills. Attire is usually baggy and loose. Lamp on hip used as a light source where there is none, or is lacking. Hard boots, Loose Leather coat, Leather vest, purple undershirt. Earrings on both ears. Rough, dry skin. Large scar on back, going from top right shoulder blade to bottom left hip, talked about in history. Usually keeps a sword holstered on back. [color=ec008c][b]Personality[/b][/color] Very soft and caring to close friends, family, and anyone under the "Loved Ones" category of relationship. Keeps it real, never says anything he doesn't mean, can be quite critical because of it sometimes. Extraordinarily logical thinker, never lets feelings or beliefs get in the way of thought. Very picky in love relationships, but when he finds a woman he likes, he will try his best to get into a relationship. Will get lonely without strong friends or a loved one in his life. Very social person, and tries to have contact for large portions of a day. Simon views the life around him as a set of barriers that one must pass, and doesn't think much of the events themselves, and just tries to go with them accordingly. Realizes his mistakes are parts of his life. He doesn't strive to prevent failure, but instead, embraces failure, and tries to fix himself from them. He is extremely approachable, and hard to anger or frustrate. Most insults will not phase him, and in facts embraces them, and jokes about his own failures, putting new light on them. Very good sense of humor, extremely fun person to hang out with. Very loyal once a lasting friendship has been made. Extremely trustworthy. Becomes bored extremely easily. [color=ec008c][b]Skills[/b][/color] [color=f49ac2][b]Physical Skills[/b][/color] Fast Runner, Especially knowledgeable about the world around him, chemistry, and mathematics. Strong willed, cannot be phased by persuasion easily and cannot be put down by insults. Strong bodied, not like being strong, but as able take a quite few hits. Average at swordsmanship, not swords master, but not trash. Good with a gun, pistols or sub machine gun preferred if needed. [color=f49ac2][b]Gift Description[/b][/color] The manipulation of matter is the management of the particles in an object, and of all objects around Simon. The larger the object, the longer it takes to manipulate the particles, as there are more. The ability can be focused to a part of the object though, and reduce the time it takes to manipulate, I.E. Manipulating the whole planet would take large amounts of energy and time, instead, could manipulate the ground around him, a few cubic feet, and a few inches deep to become, for example, very cold, and freeze. Can change the state of matter by increasing the energy in the particles of it, to the point of even making it plasma. Depending on amount of particles affected, can sublimate and deposit (Solid to gas and vice versa). He can also change the formation of the particles in a solid, for example, to be a repeating pattern, and make it crystalline, or random, amorphous. There are pros and cons to both. Can also, by moving all the particles at once, can move and shape the object. All these powers can be done all around Simon, in a sphere with a diameter of 20m. For reference, an iron ingot, to change from a solid to a liquid, would take around 60 seconds. Can focus it to one point of the iron, and make that liquid, in this case 1/4, of the original ingot, and that would take 1/4 of the time 15 seconds. Requires full focus and attention to do this. Depending on object, can make Simon very tired, or affect him trivially. Cannot move/shape plasma. Can make, in extremely special circumstances as it is 21,000 F and would require tremendous time and energy. Doing some of these processes is extremely bright, hot, and sometimes kicks up things around it. Reasons for the glasses and scarf. [color=ec008c][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color] Not very strong. Can lift about 1/2 of his own weight of 130 lbs. Very self conscious of appearance, and fitting in. Terrible at world history and mediocre at English, not at speaking, but at writing. While manipulating matter, for the entire time of manipulation, very vulnerable, as cannot deviate from the manipulation, but can be beaten out of it. Terrible at unarmed combat, cannot fight with fists feet or anything else. [color=ec008c][b]Brief History[/b][/color] I'm going to make this brief, cuz i'm lazy at this part Was born in an royally alchemical family, raised with a swordsmanship teacher from ages 7-12. Started getting into guns and trained with them from 13-25. Went to a prestigious school for the alchemichal sciences. Learned physics, mathematics, and chemistry. Was often bullied in school for being as smart as he was. Had a large group of friends, and could usually fit in easily when transferred. [color=ec008c][b]Other[/b][/color] Is a heckin boi Fucking Finally [/center][/hider]