[@agentnumalol]I'm waiting for the Halloween sale as well. Which is on right now if what I'm seeing on steam is correct. Also I know your pain. Being stuck GMing every game is frustrating and exhausting. Sometimes you simply want to be the player and enjoy a good GM yourself. [@glwgameplayer] That's understandable Griffon. After this mission things will open up enough to allow more characters. [quote]What tone are you guys gonna shoot for? Or which one do you expect I guess. I kind of expect it to shift back and forth between tense, serious, funny etc as the situation changes and we get forced into interesting interactions. Also I'm okay with pretty much any tone except Edgy Mc Dark Edge, because that gets tiring :p[/quote] The general tone I'm going for is mixed. Overall however I intend for there to be a general air of struggle and uncertainty. Everyone is largely separated from their world and things they find normal. There's a sense of wondrous discovery and adventure, as much as there is a horrible fear of what might be around the next corner or if they'll even live to see next week. That's to say nothing of the questions regarding if things can be returned to normal or if the 'world' is stuck the way it is... Also I know I said I would post a few days ago but I learned [@KaiserElectric] has been sick and [@lavulman] is juggling work stuff. So I wanted to give them a bit more time. I will be posting tomorrow however, I don't like having things idle for this long.