Parum didn't even bother to give a word of warning as she punched Orchid in the gut. [color=7ea7d8]"I swear to all nine hells if you don't shut up I'm going to stab you in the balls, ya dumb green pig!"[/color] Parum was both annoyed at Orchid constant talking despite having told him specifically to just be silent before this infiltrated began, as well as to reassert her authority over her group, less people start thinking that Orchid was calling the shots. [color=7ea7d8]"Now stop being an idiot and keep the prisoner still. Otherwise he's going to break out and throttle you, and I won't stop him."[/color] Parum ordered Orchid as she turned to the guard captain. She asked if they were new and with Morndath, which sounds like a woman's name. Likely the one that their prisoner had spoken of. [color=7ea7d8]"Woman, dark hair, wears purple? Something like that. I haven't had the pleasure to meet with her in person, but we were assigned orders from her. We just joined recently looking for work. We're not exactly the religious type, as you can see."[/color] Parum motioned towards their ragged looking band of miscreants plus a prisoner. [color=7ea7d8]"We came from the last raid at that little village, Greenest I think. Took us a while though since our gang were a bunch of lazy idiots,"[/color] Parum looked at Orchid and Torus to continue to maintain the image of the gruff and annoyed party leader. [color=7ea7d8]"And a couple of those kobolds too. So we weren't exactly in a hurry to get back. Useless bunch of vermin by the way. The moment the prisoner took down one of our guys they ran with their tails between their squat legs. Anyways... How have things been here?"[/color] Quite invested into her disguise Parum chatted with the guard.