[@Slime], The events surrounding the Xerxes battle haven't been posted in their entirety to the IC (because we needed to move on and they weren't getting written). The details are [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4387178]here[/url] and [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4411467]here[/url]. The latter link is particularly pertinent: Xerxes is no longer on Galbar. The other parts of Amestris are still around, although I'd imagine that there'd be a bit of geopolitical unrest. As for time, unless you have a compelling reason to be before the Xerxes battle, you are now chronologically after the Xerxes battle. As for the Portfolios, the GM team will get back to you on that. [@Rtron], what's left of Xerxes on Galbar? A crater? Regular ground? [@IrishAngelQueen] Athanasios is still around, yeah?