[center][IMG] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171014/00d249c84397225229581ce5633616ed.png[/IMG] [Img] https://i.giphy.com/media/oIkQZvVQKm6is/giphy.webp [/img][/center] “They didn’t give you a map?” Zander’s face dropped into a frown as he brought a large hand up to tap his chin. “Actually, hold on I’ll be right back.” With that he hurried back to his dorm and began to dig through his trunk. After a minute or two the young man hurried back into the main room and to her. “Here.” With that he led her to one of the tables and pulled out a chair. “Please, sit down, I’ll show you the way around the building so you won’t get lost tomorrow.” Once she was in the seat he took the seat next to her and set up his quill and ink. “Okay so we are here.” Circling the common room he began to walk her through the paths she would take throughout the week, using different styles of lines to indicate each class route she would take to increase her time. This took him about a half an hour before he finished and showed her the final work. “I’ve got another copy upstairs, I was hopeless my first year here and begin the only one in my family I had no one to show me where to go. So please take it.” Giving her a bright smile he began to clean off his quill. “Despite having the map, a guide never hurts and it would be an honor to show you to the classes we have together if you would still like that.” He shot her a cheesy playful smile that fit his personality to a tea as he placed his quill back into the storage box and put the cork back into his ink container.