"Dead is rising is what's happening, haven't you been watching the news? Or just paying attention period?" Kevin replied, then raised his eyebrow to the checking her out part, "I wasn't checking you out, just making sure you're the same girl who ran past me. Only thing I saw of you was your ass, so I was checking to see if it was the same ass, nothing wrong with that." He lowered his eyebrow, watching as she showed him the knife. He showed her the wrench, dried blood still creaked on it, if she was smart then she could see it was from a long time ago before any of this started and nothing recent. He lowered the wrench, finger still through the hole. He heard someone and quickly checked behind him, seeing some random black dude slowly following them. In any other case he would have questioned why he was sneaking, but it was pretty much obvious why. He didn't want to attract any of the dead, so Kevin didn't speak on it, instead just gave a slight nod and looked forward, stepping off of the stairs beside Gwyneth. "Kevin," he told her his name, not wanting to be a rude fuck. They had enough to deal with with the dead wanting to eat their guts, last thing people needed was someone rude. He kept his eyes forward, watching for anything or anyone.