[@Dynamo Frokane] I am willing to learn the systems and moderate, so if that's what you're looking for I'd be happy to get involved in that way. I'd be willing to get involved on the development front as well, but you might want to hold off on that until we've had a chance to actually catch up on the maths of your systems and had some conversations on the system. I've already gone over the list of cards you have up in your Collection of Champions (which is pretty d*mn impressive for a single person doing all the mechanics) and I've done some preliminary napkin math matches to try and get a feel for the flow of the game and the different decks, but the best way to figure it all out is probably to just talk numbers right? Shoot me a DM of the mechanics whenever's convenient to you and I'll get on it. EDIT: That goes for all three of the games, I just haven't seen any examples of the other two but did find the cards.