Dorugamon and Robert saw Cyclonemon attacking the others rather they couldn't have missed him. They looked at the Digimon that was attacking the others, but they could deal with it after. The other members on their team weren't that weak, they could take care of themselves, at least until they dealt with the Drilmogemon, at least that's what they thought. The Cyclonemon raised it mutated arm and with in it was Liollmon. For a moment they were silent as they realized that Kiba wasn't the only one that brought a Digimon from the castle, there were two others that came with Phase. "Doru-" Robert said, but before Doru understood what he was going to say and rushed towards the Cyclonemon. With their speed and flight they could get there just in time and slash open the ugly mutant hand, they could catch him and get him out of harms way. They could save him... If there were no other outside interference that is... {Crusher Bone} The Drilmogemon threw a fossil at the pair. Due to focusing on the Cyclonemon they were hit and sent spiraling out of control, Doru recovered just before hey hit the ground, but it was to late and all Robert saw was an arm on a red bloody ground. Robert realized something, he was angry. He was angry at the Digimon that killed Liollmon, he was angry at the Digimon that prevented them from saving him, he was angry at Kiba for bring in a defenseless Digimon endangering it for no reason, he was angry Phase for allowing them to come with them, he was angry at himself for not being able to do anything, and finally he was angry at their entire group for being arrogant. They should have left the Digimon back at the castle they should have let them into their battle! This was their fault! They were arrogant, they thought they could take care of whatever was in the way! They thought that they were heroes going on a road trip of adventure and fun, but this was not that. They weren't heroes they weren't in a comic book, they were in a war. Robert clenched his Digivice, however, sudden shouting broke him his thoughts. "Robert!" Doru shouted at him causing him to flinch. Doru continued. "Calm down! Listen up Liollmon's core is still intact, it takes more to destroy a Digicore, trust me I know, but we need to get to him before Ugly over there devours it." Robert was silent. It wasn't time to be sitting around, it was time to fight! "Right, but we can't get to him without getting though land narwhal over there." Robert's worry was answered by a glow coming from the area. He didn't want to admit it, but the Masked Kid would be dealing with it. They just need to be focused on the molerat. "Doru, let's let him handle that, we should be dealing with our pest problems." Doru went wideyed for a moment. "Are you sure?" Robert nodded. Not believing that he was actually going to say this. "Let's trust him on this." With that Doru went into a drive before readying his claws. {Dino Tooth!} Doru slashed the Drilmogemon across the back once again, leaving a series of x shaped scars like a well cooked steak. Doru came back around and slashed it across the face and then did another turn and across the ribs, before firing a cannonball into the side of his face. {Power Metal!} The Drilmogemon was sent staggering back after the cannonball struck his face.