[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dzysymG.png[/img][/center][hr]"You could just preserve it with salt and spices. We seem to have enough of both," Atalanta replied to the comment about cooling the remainders of the serpent. "That said, Medea can be very convenient when she's like that. Maybe not as dependable as Heracles, but close to it. In fact, you would be surprised with her cooking skills," she added in a nostalgia-heavy voice; the Aegean breeze and rocking waves bringing her mind back to the times of the Argo Expedition. "Let's get this done before the night falls. That's not the same as the Calydonian Boar but it still is good meat," Atalanta said as she began to prepare their food, before taking a moment to go under the deck, only to return with a pitcher full of wine and bread that she smelled as soon as they stepped on the ship. "With this, we can have a proper meal fit for a hero of the Age of the Gods."