[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/v3aYwX9.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][IMG]http://orig08.deviantart.net/e1de/f/2012/058/1/1/tes__dwemer_centurion_by_coupleofkooks-d4r5ftx.jpg[/IMG] [I]Image credited to coupleofhooks @ deviantart[/I][/center] [I] For thousands of years, we reigned supreme, the masters of logic and progress, the builders of the mightiest civilization Nirn has ever seen. We were mighty! We challenged the gods, our advancement growing so great as to threaten them. Our metal was indestructible; our constructs designed to function for eternity. We have travelled realms outside of Mundus. There was nothing that could stand in our way, and even the arrogant Aedra and Daedra have grown to fear us. Nothing terrifies a so-called god more than knowing that their time is finite; that mere mortals will one day cause them to bow at the knee or be crushed under the progress of their superiors, mortals they have for too long looked down upon as insects. But it was not them who had punished us for our audacity; it was ourselves and the treachery of the lesser races we shared the world with. The whimpering, pathetic Falmer who crawled to us because they were weak, the crude barbarian Nords who adhere to abhorrent superstitions and achieved their aims by savagery, and the hated chimer alike all challenged our authority and claim to the world. And for centuries, neigh! For millennia, we proved to them our superiority. It is sickening for the three and a half thousand years of our absence, they have inherited the world we had shaped and laid their filthy hands on the masterful cities and defile them! We were so concerned with securing our dominance over the mortal races of Tamriel and building ourselves to surpass the gods that we forgot to keep our own arrogance in check. Our drive and ambition was limitless, we never stopped to ask ourselves if our own ingenuity could ever be our bane. Our audacity and recklessness into the void of discovery has banished us from Mundus, leaving our once mighty legacy in the hands of those whose minds are too feeble to grasp the very concepts of our accomplishments or begin to understand who we were. For three and a half thousand years, we have been imprisoned in a realm of our own design. Our weapon to rid the world of the Nords once and for all backfired, instead banishing us from Tamriel when the Red Mountain erupted, due to the treachery of one of our own, Kagrnak, who promised our people enlightenment when he sympathized with the humans and betrayed his own kind. If not for him, all of Tamriel would have been under our rule centuries ago and we would have surpassed the gods. That was our destiny, and it is one we shall reclaim. Fate has finally dealt us a hand we can, and shall, play right. No longer are we restricted to this world of our own creation. The time has come to reclaim what is ours, and to have our voices heard in Tamriel once more![/I] [hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/guild-wars-2-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171015/ffdbf4a5f3fe2d8c1eb4c3b69447e43c.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/yKGcC2A.jpg[/IMG][/center] Welcome to The Elder Scrolls: Vengeance of the Deep, a reboot of a successful and quite memorable roleplay from a few years back that is based around a small group of adventurers caught up in an extraordinary and overwhelming scenario wherein after thousands of years of absence, the Dwemer have returned and have begun a seemingly unstoppable conquest of Northern Tamriel, using advanced technology that no one has ever seen before. The adventure will take place across several locations, including different provinces, as the party tries to evade capture or death while attempting to find a way to fight back against the Dwemer forces. The characters will all be members of an archeological expedition lead and financed by Rhea Valerius, an Imperial noblewoman who is a famed explorer and leading expert on the Dwemer ruins that dot Northern Tamriel. The ruin is a massive complex discovered in the Jerall Mountains in Northernwestern Cyrodiil/ Southwestern Skyrim and is the biggest ruin discovered to date. Those present are from all walks of life, be they experts in the ruins, mercenaries that act as security, camp cooks, and so on, all of the characters have been on site for the past few weeks and may or may not know each other more than by recognition. When the game begins, all of the characters will be grouped together for one of the expeditions to clear out another layer of the Dwemer ruin. This will be the catalyst for the adventure to come. Join [@MacabreFox], [@Leidenschaft], and myself as we explore our classic roleplay and challenge our writing chops with memorable characters, moments, and maybe beating our record for having one player say we made them cry. Welcome to the Deep.