Bilbo blinked, as he heard Fili. He took a little look around "Something big, uprooted these trees." he asked..The more further they went into the woods. "That was our thinking." Kili said, as he walked with Fili and Bilbo. "Quite Big and Possibly very Dangerous." He could hear crunching near by and he hid behind a large tree. Kili ducked down. "Trolls." he said, as he spotted a light near by...seeing the pair of them sitting there...and another one was carrying two more horses. "He's got Myrtle and Minty." Bilbo said, after the troll had their backs to them...going towards their hoard. "We have to do something, it looks like they are planning on eating them." Bilbo looked at the two brothers. "Stay, back." Kili told his god-mother. "We've got this." he said, seeing she had followed them. Leave it to men, and the little Burglar to save the day. "Yes, you should." Kili said looking down at Bilbo, whom shot him a look. "It's perfectly easy...Mountain Trolls are idiots, you are small...they'll never see you." he told the Hobbit. "It's perfectly simple...we'll be right behind you." Kili ushered Bilbo more into the woods. Before Bilbo could say something else...or protest...the two Durin Heirs were gone..with their bowls of stew. "Mutton Yesterday, Mutton today and if it doesn't look like Mutton again tomorrow." One of the Trolls grumbled...seeing his fellow carrying in two more horses. "These aint sheep...these are west-naids." The leader troll, set down the two horses beside their companions. Whining, one troll huffed "I don't like Horse. Never have, not enough fat on them." "Achoooooooooo!" One troll suddenly sneezed, into the pot. "Well, that is fine that is! A floater." One troll said. "Ooh...might improve the flavor." The third one said. "Oohh..there's more where that came from." The troll who sneezed said. Meanwhile, little Bilbo had sneaked closer and closer, to where the horses were kept. The troll prepared to sneeze again. "Oh no you don't!" One grabbed him by the nose, squeezing it. The troll let out squeaky whines and groans. "Oowwwwww." Once he sat down, he blew his nose into a tissue...rather noisily. Meanwhile, Bilbo had found his way to the horses...trying to untie them. But the ropes were done a little too tight. The trolls continue to argue...when Bilbo looked around, he spotted one of them had a sharp knife on him. "How come he's the cook? Everything always tastes the same." "It all tastes of chicken." Another complaint came. "Expect the tastes like fish." As the horses started to whine...Bilbo kept shhing at them he began to crawl towards the trolls. When he picked up a bone...he winced...setting it down again. "Just needs a sprinkle of Squirrel Dung.." One troll said, grabbing at the air. Bilbo stopped...and ducked down slightly...the troll had missing him, by a few inches. As the trolls seemed to be busy arguing and then drinking the grog. Bilbo run up behind the one with the knife...trying to grab it with his hands. But made a face, as the troll stood up, scratching it's large butt. "I need to snuffle something...I need flesh.."The troll grumbled...pressing Bilbo to his back, as he grabbed him, when he went to scratch his back...and when he sneezed...he sneezed right over Bilbo. He let out a gasp...the other two trolls let out a squeak. "Ahhh...Blimey! Look...look what came out of my's got arms and legs...and everything!" Bilbo was wiggling in his large hand.. "What is it?" One asked "I don't know...but I don't like the way it wiggles around." he threw Bilbo down onto the ground. Bilbo gasped, before he jumped to his feet. "What are you? An over-sized Squirrel?" One of the trolls asked, looking down at Bilbo. Holding a bone in his hand. "I am a Burglar."Bilbo blurted out "I mean, a Hobbit." "A hobbit Burglar?"The Trolls looked down at the little man and each other. "Then we cook him." One suggested. All three started to grab at him, but Bilbo kept running out of their way...moving faster...than their large hands. Finally one managed to grab him, holding Bilbo upside down. Bilbo gasped. "Are there, any more little fellows like you hiding somewhere where you shouldn't?" The troll asked "No.." Bilbo lied. Shaking his head. But it seemed like the trolls picked up on the fact, that he was lying. "I am not." Bilbo breathed. "Hold his toes over the fire...make him squeal." One of the trolls suggested. Before something jumped out of the bushes...slashing at it's leg. The troll let out a squeak. "Drop him!" Kili spoke, his sword in his hands. Slashing another leg of the troll. The troll squeaked moving about, trying to trample on Kili. "I said drop him!" He demanded, when the trolls wouldn't listen. Bilbo got finally tossed...landing on Kili, the pair ending a small heap on the ground.