The winged she-elf silently moved herself to where Fili and Kili were concealed, but hovered behind them by a few feet. As soon as she heard the word "trolls", she was already disgusted by hearing about such creatures. But as they made a run for it to be closer, "Wait!", she whispers harshly to stop them, but they kept going, making her softly groan in frustration. Feeling compelled to stay with them, she followed, but instead of walking, she flew, in order to make herself more quieter. Landing before hiding behind a tree with them. "If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl", Fili instructed him as they kept reassuring him that it was okay to go into treachorous territory. Saeril wanted to object, but she did wonder if the Hobbit was truly burglar-material; this could be his chance. However, she did notice Fili running off with his brother, and she wanted to say something, but she can't while being so close to a troll campsite. Being caught was not where she wanted themselves to be. She didn't go anywhere, and abandoning the Hobbit wasn't worth doing, so she hid in one of the trees above him, letting the darkness camoflouge her. Once Kili made his appearance, Saeril couldn't help but marvel his bravery. Probably the first time to even stand up to someone twice, maybe three his own size. As Bilbo crashed into the youngest's arms, the rest of the company suddenly emerged from the shrubbery with varying shouts and battle cries, weapons drawn and ready to fight. While fighting the giants, the she-elf watched as Bilbo managed to steal a knife and free the ponies, until the trolls noticed and grabbed him, holding him by his arms and legs. "Lay down your arms! Or we’ll rip his off!". Saeril narrowed her eyes at the scenario, and crouched down in the tree, balancing herself on the branch, before moving onto a rock behind the trolls. Unintentionally, she saw Gandalf. Where has he been?