[@WindsOfFate]Corona made sure the last of his people and the prisoners were through the portal and jumped through himself. Just before he jumped through he noticed that the hydrogen wall was almost completely evaporated, with the gas leaving it glowing slightly. He dived through the portal just before it grew too small to get through and, after rolling to halt his forward momentum, spun around just in time to hold up his hand and block the explosion from coming through. A bright orange light came through just before it closed, and afterward he stood up. "Well," he said, dusting himself off. "That went well for them catching us off guard." He turned on his speaker collar as a greenish-brown, hairless man ran over to him from the base. "Everybody, this is Salamander, my assistant." "You can call me Sal." the man said in a Brooklyn accent, waving to the crowd before Corona continued. "He'll make sure you get medical attention, a bunk, food, clothes and the like, then find you a job or arrange for you to go to one of the Settlements." "Um, actually sir..." he whispered something in Corona's ear, then Corona turned off his speaker collar and push his way through the crowd to get the Heka. "Open a portal to Cable's Camp." he said quietly to Heka, then turned on his collar. "Ok, everyone, something has just come up. A fellow Freedom Fighter is about to come under attack by Sentinel Services, so if you you want to help with the evacuation or protect them until they can escape, stay here. Otherwise, you can go with Salamander and he'll get you medical care, etc." He motioned towards Sal, then waited for the people to clear the area out enough for the next mission to begin.