[center][h2][color=f26522]Rumia Shinrikyo[/color][/h2] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LWm7QJl6LBeAwavRx-I38QWASbJV9pXvk6-notFl3a0/https/i.imgur.com/JmfAGwu.gif[/img] [@Pirouette][@Seraphicide][@Odin][@GlitchyBugger][/center] [hr] Almost there. A few more meters, and the sodium would explode on the shark, and perhaps give the edge needed to end this conflict. There would be an ex machina in Sano's favor, however, under the form of hair senbon coming their way. The combination of the obviousness of the attack and Sakana's warning would be enough for Rumia to peer at the direction of the new assailant, and recognize the threat. Luckily for her, she was already hardening her being with the hollow shell, but the sodium tossing would have to be delayed. Enough so for the two Akatsuki members to poof away under the orders of the unknown Cockroach. With Sano gone, the chakra he had emitted would vanish as well, purging most of the moisture in the area barring the acid rain from Kyoka's ability. Perhaps throwing away the sodium wouldn't be the best idea, though the beast would seem to be more bothered by the sudden retreat of her challenging prey. Teeth gritting as her broken, right arm seemed to heat up with steam escaping the many superficial wounds on it. In about a minute, the arm would be fully restored, as well as any residual damage on the lass' being. "[color=f26522]Tch. Tha' fish got lucky. Ain't gettin' in m'way next time. And neither are you.[/color]" A vicious glare was set the way of Sakana, filled with the ungratefulness one would expect of woman of her background. With a gesture, she'd order Kyoka to follow out of the area, where she'd come to notice most of the forest razed. Havoc's rampage would have gone almost unnoticed as the Shinrikyo was in her very own massacre. With the new about to be released concerning the casualties, Rumia could care less about the loss of a foreign Kage. [hr] Under certain obligations, the ginger remained in Konoha. Something about respect and some questions from authorities. It didn't mean she had to attend the boring funeral however. No, the pub was going to be graced with her presence today. Beer after sake, it seemed this monstrosity could contain alcohol to an absurd degree. Sitting on the edge of the bar on an old stool, Rumia was oddly talkative, to the point where her loud voice would overshadow every other man's in the bar. "[color=f26522]... And the fucka's like 'Is tha' all y'all jounin got?' when we were kickin' his scaley ass?![/color]" A good chug. The Slightly red-cheeked but still coherent Rumia blathered on. "[color=f26522]Fruity fucks be all tryin' to get the attention. Freakin' dicks, pussies 'n' asshole, that's the only type o' people yer gonna find in this dumb hole of a shinobi world. Did I tell ya' 'bout why it's like that?[/color]" With a snap of her fingers, the reluctant but compliant bartender would attempt to satiate her thirst with any kind of generic, strong alcohol. Booze was the best bet, as she seemed to never get enough of these, and it'd provide minutes of solace with the inevitable bathroom trips. "[color=f26522]Ehhh, maybe later.[/color]" She'd cool off, only to finally peer over at her neighbor she had supposedly been talking to. "[color=f26522]So where ya' from again? That Rain village or somethin'?[/color]" [@Write]