Bastian quickly ordered what Elizabeth selected, along with several mutton skewers. Releasing her, before paying the gentleman and handing her the food. He inhaled the pleasant aroma of the meat, held between his fingers. Facing her, not grabbing her arm again. [color=0072bc]"You seem smart enough to not run off. Stay close to me."[/color] Bastian said walking off, averting his eyes from her sight, using his twitching ears to focus on his surroundings. If she would've tried to escape, he'd be aware and able to stop her before getting very far. Bastian pulled some meat from the skewer starting to chew and coming to a realization before swallowing. He glanced back. [color=0072bc]"Do you have a name?"[/color] Regardless of her answer, he didn't speak another word for the remainder of their walk... [center]* * *[/center] Finishing his meal. Approaching a large stable on the outskirts of town after several minutes, plenty of folks leaving their horses and goods under the owner's protection. Heading toward a horse drawn cart, Bastian stroking the black mare's side. Motioning for Elizabeth to come closer to the back of the cart. He opened a wooden chest and pulled out clean clothes, fitting a woman with a similar frame, though quite baggy for her. Bastian held the clothes out for her to take. [color=0072bc]"Take those rags off and put these on."[/color]