Sarah giggled again as she witnessed Cole go through the stages of realising and accepting what she'd done. She saw the mischieveous smile and knew something was coming, so she braced herself. [i] [color=92278f] "What the..." [/color] [/i] Suddenly all she could see was this enormous monster leaping at her. She didn't even have time to think about another attack, all she could think about was getting out of the way. Without thinking about it, she reacted. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared and reappeared in another spot. A deceptively small puddle of water now filled the spot her feet had just left. [i] [color=92278f] "at least he'll be clean again" [/color] [/i] [i] [color=92278f] "wait, how the hell did I do that?" [/color] [/i] Thoughts of joy and shock flashed through her. She'd never even considered trying this before. She turned her attention back to the puddle, and sensed how deep it really was. Ready to turn the whole thing into a monster filled, wet tornado, she waited for the splash.