Hirschmon had to admit that Danny had a point with his suggestion to stick to only use ranged attacks, but he never got an opportunity. He was unable to get a good shot at Cyclomon, due to Liollmon's core and later Zubaeagermon and his Tamer who took their enemy out without issue. Just as he was about to see if he could do anything to help Dorugamon, Drimogemon got hit by a Cannonball and reverted to a Digiegg. Hirschmon didn't really know how to feel when the battle was over. On the one hand none of the humans got seriously hurt, but he was absolutely useless even Wolfy, who also remained a Rookie did more than he did. As he had finally stopped leaking code he forced himself up and turned to the others. [color=00a651]"Good job, guys. Just wish I could have helped."[/color]