[quote=@Dervish]Favored Skills: This section gets a bit more complicated. Using the main skills of the game (two handed, smithing, destruction, illusion, lock picking, pick pocketing, shield, et cetera) things are rated by proficiency. You may have 1 highly proficient skill, 3 moderately proficient skills, and 3 somewhat proficient skills. You may, however, move up a class at the expense of another skill of the level below it (e.g. you pick 1 highly proficient at the cost of 2 moderately proficient). Likewise, you can gain more skills if you downgrade a skill (1 moderately proficient becomes two somewhat proficient, for example). Explain why your character is good at each skill in a brief sentence. [/quote] I have a couple of questions. If I understood right, we have access to: [list] 1 Highly Proficient Skill [HPS] (Can be downgraded to 2 MPS) 3 Moderately Proficient Skills [MPS] (Can be downgraded to 2 SPS, or can be upgraded to 1 HPS at the cost of 2 MPS) 3 Somewhat Proficient Skills [SPS] (Can be upgraded to 1 MPS at the cost of 2) [/list] If my math is right, that means the "highest setting" we can have is: 2 HPS, 2 MPS, and 1 SPS; and the "lowest setting" is: 1 MPS, and 11 SPS. If that is true, can I ask why Vasora has 2 HPS, and 3 MPS? To get that kind of conversion, she would need to start out with 1 HPS, 3 MPS, and 4 SPS. Now, I'm not trying to nitpick here (and this probably doesn't help my chances of being picked into the first batch :P), I just want to know what the reasoning is behind it. Does she start out with 1 more SPS because she's of a "higher level", or for the story's sake? Or is that just a miscalculation?