Doru still in Champion form, walked up to the rest with Robert right next to him, which was quite the size comparison as Doru was currently the size of a hummer. Robert had a digi egg under his arm as he walked up to them. Looking to the left he walked to pick up Cyclonemon's egg. Doru told the group. Both of them were not showing any sense of emotion or their trademark sarcasm. "I don't exactly know if this guys were part of the army, but if they were that means that the army knows that we're going by train." Robert picked up the Digiegg. "If they were then they would be preparing more ambushes down the line, worst case scenario, is that we run into a field of anti Digimon mines along the track, but the only other alternative is going by foot, which would take more time." Robert walked over next to Doru and continued for him. "So, the million dollar question is do we go by foot or keep going on Locomon gambling that these guys were independent?"