For your consideration: [b]Name:[/b] Sasha Zhenya Kuznetsov [b]Age: [/b] 26 [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 175 cm or 5’9” [b]Weight: [/b] 57 kg or 125 lbs [b]Likes: [/b] Beauty, Fashion, Painting, Opera, Film, Luxury, Racquetball, Gossip, Being the Center of Attention, Drinking, Fighting, Clubbing [b]Dislikes:[/b] Getting Dirty, Boredom, Manual Labor, the Criminally Unfashionable, his Russian Accent, the Family Business, Responsibility, Pity, Consequences [b]Zodiac Sign: [/b] Capricorn [b]Special Talent: [/b] Sasha has been described as being Silver-Tongued and with effort is able to coax others into aligning with his cause. He can also convincingly turn on the waterworks when he needs to ask his Uncle for more money. [b]Profession: [/b] While Sasha would describe himself employed in the Warholian sense in that he’s more or less a figure of a public repute, he is technically employed in a more traditional manner by a subsidiary of Vencorp International his Uncle’s multi-billion dollar company and Sasha holds the title of “Central Solutions Synergist”. What exactly his responsibilities are remain a mystery as while it is known that while he does draw a hefty salary the local tabloids contest that he is quite averse to showing up at the office or doing anything resembling actual work. [b]Personality: [/b] Sasha is rather vain and places great value on one’s personal appearance. He is quite flamboyant and is known to be vindictive to those that cross him. He is also averse to even well-placed criticism and surrounds himself with people that do not challenge him in the slightest. Like many isolated by the walls of privilege Sasha he never really exerts himself and relies on his Uncle’s money to solve all his problems. Sasha worships the proverbial cult of the individual and cares little for those outside of himself. [b]Bio: [/b] Do to the economic hardship that followed dissolution of the Soviet Union Sasha the youngest child amongst nine siblings was born into a life of abject poverty; during the heyday of Communism his father Kazimir Kuznetsov a low ranking party member was able to provide a relatively comfortable life for his family, however as the market economy was gradually reintroduced into Soviet society the family fortunes plummeted. Kazimir drifted from job to job as in the early 1990’s salary delays were extremely common and sometimes pay did not arrive for months. He was an extremely bitter man unsuited for the pressure of a competitive work environment who took his frustrations out on his wife Lilia and children beating them severely for the slightest transgressions (real or imagined). Sasha remembers little of his father other than his unkempt appearance and harsh demeanor. Despite the stereotype of masculine looking Russian woman Sasha recalls the gentle beauty of his mother, how she radiated kindness and compassion. While her husband was away at work or off drinking Lilia would lead the children down back alleys and side streets to plunder the garbage bins of their village, looking for metal (iron, copper, aluminum, and so on) that they could sell or trade for extra provisions. This was Sasha life from birth to around age six life with inadequate food, exposure to the extreme cold, and hard labor was bad enough, but young Sasha came to hate the dirtiness of it all. In 1995 when he was four years old his mother and other families in his hometown managed to arrange a trip to Moscow which was around 1000 km away; there was no pretense regarding the trip it was to dig through the trash of slightly richer people. It was there amongst the refuse he found a crumpled advert for a ballet being performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, the sheer beauty of ballerinas made him weep as he realized his own inadequacies; he was deeply ashamed of his unkempt hair, his dirty finger nails, the repugnant odor the emanated off his person, his ignorance, and the look of pity people cast upon him. He vowed to himself to become one of the beautiful ones, a person to be looked at with reverence rather than sorrow. It was a childish notion to put such an emphasis on beauty, yet Sasha was still a child in a harsh world. Most never escape the vice-grip of poverty and should his Mother have never gotten sick Sasha would have been doomed to the same fate. When Sasha was six years old Lilia was on her deathbed due to an untreated case of pneumonia, despite her husband’s express wishes she contacted her brother Aleksey Matfey Petrov and begged him to take the children. While for most multiple mouths to feed would be a burden, Lilia knew her brother could handle it. Aleksey heavily benefited from the era of privatization and founded Vencorp Kredit which was the fourth largest Russian bank until the financial crisis of 1998. Aleksey tried in vain to help his sister’s family in the past, but his efforts were rebuffed by Kazimir who considered the upstart to be a traitor to ideals of Lenin. It was snowy December day, when Aleksey along with his current wife drove the 1000km from Moscow in his 1996 Bentley Brooklands to collect his nieces and nephews. Per Kazimir’s implicate instructions each of his children were to rebuff their decadent Uncle and decline his invitation to live with him. All of his siblings perfectly echoed their father’s rejection, but Sasha enraptured by his relative’s elegance embraced them and accepted their offer much to his father’s chagrin. Upon reflection Sasha thinks was the happiest he ever saw his mother. He never saw his immediate family again as his mother passed away a few weeks later and the rest never kept in contact with him. Sasha lived with his relatives in their opulent Moscow estate for until he was eighteen where he engaged in all the splendors that only money could buy. Expensive tutors supplemented the years of education of the young boy missed, he quickly became fluent in both Russian and English. As his Uncle could not deny his nephew anything, at his bequest experts were brought to him from as far as Paris and Milan to cultivate his personal beauty, whilst also teaching him about the rigors of being fashionable. He travelled the culture capitals of the world with his Aunt and Uncle blossoming his love for art and opera. For Sasha’s thirteenth birthday the Bolshoi Ballet dedicated a performance in his honor and as the multitude of people assembled at the theater clapped for him the boy’s outlook was changed for the worse. You see for the first few years living with his relatives Sasha was appreciative of the opportunity presented to him and yearned to help others…. make the whole world beautiful, but sitting above the assembled masses he came to the realization that only a select few truly deserved admiration and he was among those privilege few. Narcissism engulfed Sasha and he became quite a spoiled brat. The family emigrated to the United States in 2005 and took up residence in Sol City. Aleksey Petrov was behind the privatization of much of the city’s public utilities. Vencorp has its fingers in many proverbial pies across Sol City. At age eighteen Sasha through no merit of his own entered the prestigious Yale university and it is probable that his Uncle paved his way for his nephew’s acceptance through a generous donation or two. It is here that Sasha meet a group of likeminded individuals and formed what the tabloids dubbed “The Perfect Posse.” The Perfect Posse is comprised of the sons of men of privilege who despite having the perfect starting point to achieve greatness choose to squander their unearned wealth by consuming copious amounts of illicit substances and liquor, dressing in only top tier designer clothing, being for the most part generally good looking, exuding toxic masculinity, and always being at the center of some controversy. Other than Sasha the other ne'er-do-wells are. [I]Lupe Amor Asís:[/I] Described as looking like young Fidel Castro if he was obese this son of a prominent Florida senator is best known for his Instagram where he flaunts the benefits of his father’s wealth or beats up less fortunate people then himself often with the help of his bodyguards. He single-handily derailed his father’s 2016 presidential bid when he appeared on CNN drunk and wet his expensive tracksuit in an incident dubbed Pissgate. Much to the embarrassment to the Cuban-American community Lupe also has almost as many criminal charges as he does Instagram followers, but it is speculated that his father’s political clout would prevent any actual punishment from being delivered if a trial is ever convened that is; he has yet to be convicted of any of his offenses. [I]Khorshid Dana Charmchi [/I]: Once dubbed the dumbest man with a degree, this son of a famous Indian oil magnate gets by only on a wink and smile as despite his good looks and the amount of money his father pours into his directing/acting career, he directs and/or stars in nothing but flops that are routinely mocked by Youtube based critics the world over. Khorshid is also derided for his esoteric beliefs and lapses in common sense. For example, he believes that gravity is a conspiracy, an all air diet can help one safely lose weight, Robert E. Lee was a great president, and that meditation is a viable cure for HIV. The fact he holds dual citizenship is derided by many late night talk show hosts especially after he failed a basic history test on Kimmel. All things considered he was at least a half decent Yale cheerleader. Sasha graduated from Yale University in 2014 where he majored in art and moved back to Sol City with his cohorts in toe. They all co-own a sprawling penthouse on the 91th floor of a luxury apartment building that overlooks the park, the 8,255 square feet is comprised of six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two powder-rooms, a library, a grand piano, and other amenities. A private elevator leads to the room. While they are often jet setting across the globe the Perfect Posse finds themselves stuck in Sol City while Lupe currently wearing an ankle monitoring device deals with the fallout from punching a paparazzi in the face at a local nightclub. [b]Your character's favorite song: [/b] [b] (OOC) Tell us about yourself[/b] [b]Your age: [/b] 24 [b]What part of the world are you from?: [/b] United States [b]How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: [/b] I started playing D&D when I was around ten, but I did not branch out to online roleplaying until I was around thirteen or fourteen. Started out with character roleplay profiles on Myspace and let’s say I am extremely thankful that those early sessions have never been archived and the profiles are long deleted. While, I undoubtedly learned much in terms of writing from those initial forays into the digital realm I am glad they are distant memories as the large majority of that stuff was just unadulterated cringe. Though I would be lying if I did not admit that upon reflection I still find moments from that period that can make me smile. [b]How often do you have time to post?: [/b] Fairly often. Probably 2-3 times a week. [b]What you do for a living?: [/b] I suppose I dabble…you know jack of all trades master of none. Currently running the rat race. [b]How much do you work a week? [/b] 40+ hrs.