[color=cyan][h2]Leith Calder[/h2][/color] The fumes were dulling Leith's senses. As the elf swung her trident at him, he knew he had to move, but his reactions felt sluggish. He staggered to the side, away from the crates he had his back against. The trident still connected with him, slashing across his chest, but the wound was shallow. The pain pulsed hollowly through him, almost as if it wasn't his pain, but someone else's. Leith shook his head. He needed to deal with the elf before he made any more mistakes. He had left his sword in the carriage when he chased after the thief, but he still had a weapon. He pulled at the leather necklace he had around his neck. It pulled off easily, and he gripped the small, trinket-sized sword in his left hand. [color=cyan]"To be fair, it wasn't you I was sneaking up on,"[/color] Leith said, his speech slightly slurred. He glanced back in Ssarak's direction. There was another Esyire facing off against his friend. [color=cyan]"Although maybe facing you would have been an easier challenge."[/color] He took a step forward and swung his right fist at the elf. He wasn't intending on hitting her with it. It was a cover to try and prevent her from noticing him enlarge Sephrim Sword in his other hand to the size of a longsword and take a swing at her leg.