[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4QAPZTE.png[/img][/center] [I]Solaris County Regional Airport, opened and inaugurated on the 4th of September, 1951, services Sol City and the surrounding counties. Established as a result of the discovery of natural gas in the greater Sol area. The original airport, purchased from a private citizen by the Berry Petroleum Company, was a few flattened dirt strips on a dusty plain, used to take off and land crop dusters. However with the influx of entrepreneurs and BPC employees, the airport was enlarged and a terminal building added on neighboring purchased land. Once gas fields had been depleted in the early 90s, Berry lost interest in the region and the utility was purchased by the Sol City Civil Aviation Comity. SCCAC promptly built new terminals, and with private investment formed Solaire (SCRA-S) from the purchased fleets and infrastructures of surrounding regional airlines, forming the largest airline in the region. Though you didn't need me to tell you that, you could have just visited the airport museum. Solaire continued to be a dominant player in regional flights well into the 80s, consistently preforming well on a quarterly basis. Partnering up with a smaller, Solaris County based aviation firm, the company petitioned congress with air traffic control of regional airspace. However plans were quickly derailed with the entry of a rival petition from Pan-American and their junior company, Daedalus. The smaller initial partner with Solaire withdrew from the deal as a response to unfair business practices from the PanAm subsidiary. Solaire eventually lost the battle for control of regional airspace to Daedalus, and with leaked plans to try and buy out their smaller partner, they lost them too. Bad soon turned to worse, in the late 90s the company had to default on debt it owed to the bank, and had to hand over its outer-city terminal to the bank. Subsequently the property was purchased by Daedalus, who too was hemorrhaging money until that point but swiftly recovered. Accusations of foul play flew around but no court cases ever materialized. Modern day Solaire (SCRCH-S) is a shadow of its previous self, operating an hour out of the city and mainly servicing the industrial estate nearby, as a cargo operator. Occasionally handling budget passengers. [/i] Was told to put this here, just helping out with fleshing out the city history.