Gaheris frowned slightly as the new woman entered and then apparently seemed to think they weren't lying. Who was she? The captain seemed to listen to her - so was she higher rank? How would she know if the story checked out? There was a lot they didn't know about these strangers and it wasn't something he liked. However, she did seem to be on their side so that was helpful. Now the first officer - he was going to be a bit of an issue. There was a slight hint of distrust coming from him. Most would find that bad or get annoyed but that actually brought a slight hint of respect from Gaheris. He was skeptical. Good. He should be and if the roles were reversed Gaheris would be as well. Rommie raised an eyebrow at the question. It was almost absurd that they hadn't heard of the Commonwealth - especially if they were here. Her brain started thinking of the various logical explanations even as she answered the question. "The Systems Commonwealth is a constitutional monarchy with over a million member worlds," she didn't even pause at the extreme surprise from their hosts, "consisting of planets, drifts, space stations, orbital habitations, and of course entire solar systems. I'm surprised you haven't even heard of it. It spans the tri-galaxy. This system itself is - should be - a Commonwealth System." She turned and looked at Gaheris. "Perhaps the Black Hole has transitioned us to another universe. "Theoretically it makes sense. There is absolutely no indication of inhabitance in this system and they," her hand motioned toward the Federation officers. "Haven't even heard of the Commonwealth. We can't even be far in the future as the star alignments seemed to be about the same time period." Gaheris shifted slightly, a bit of a forced smile even as he gave her a look. Rommie resisted rolling her eyes but shut up. Fine if he wanted to talk about it later than that was his thing. The fact that they didn't know about the Commonwealth meant that whatever happened, Gaheris and her were on their own and it wouldn't hurt to accept help. Especially as these humanoids didn't seem to be too much of a threat. But then again, Nietzscheans were always a bit pessimistic. At the woman's offer, Gaheris rose. He nodded toward the captain and then first officer. "Again I'm very appreciative of your rescuing our vessel. I have to believe," a look toward Rommie before back to the captain. "That this is just a slight misunderstanding. No doubt, we probably ended in a different area than we anticipated. With your permission Captain, I would like to work with your navigation officer to maybe help understand our true coordinates." Rommie gave Gaheris a frown. She was not wrong. She knew where they were. Despite the poor interface on the pod, she had been able to pick up the star patterns. This was the Yol’tor system. Unless of course, they were in a completely different part of the universe - which theoretically could happen - where the stars had the same alignment. It was possible, improbable yet possible. Gaheris continued either missing or ignoring Rommie's glare. "I understand security." He quickly added. "And will accept whatever help you may provide." As they were excused and went with Nex - Wolf following, Picard turned to Riker. He waited until the others were gone before he rose. He was greatly surprised. "A million worlds, Number One. Tri-galaxy." He shook his head and looked back. The astonishment a bit evident. "Almost to bizare to be true. Yet," he shook his head. "Imagine the possibilities." He sat back down and leaned forward. "If they are telling the truth - and they are correct in the fact we are in the Andromeda Galaxy," an amazing thought at that. "Their Commonwealth has figured out how to transverse galaxies. Galaxies." He leaned back. He looked at Riker. "I'm not sure about this Gaheris. I want to talk to Nex but he seems to be hiding something. I don't know. There were a few times he shut Rommie down. Almost as if he doesn't want to reveal too much. Can't say I blame him. The two of them on an alien vessel." He frowned thoughtfully. He looked at Riker. "I'm not sure how much I want to reveal to them at this point. But I do believe we should learn more about them. Maybe we can get Rommie away from Gaheris and see how much she is willing to help." He rose. "Perhaps we'll grant Commander Rhade's request. Maybe have him work with Data - nothing sensitive - but enough to maybe help pinpoint the location. Though, seeing as Rommie's the Astronomics officer, he might want her there as well." He frowned. "See what you can do Number One. But let's get them separated and see what they have to say." [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] Gaheris followed the woman down the corridors fully aware of the large head of security behind them. Not that he let it bother him. He was a bit annoyed that only one security officer was assigned to them. This ship was a bit lax. If he wanted he could easily take out the man. And that was without Rommie's help. The android would greatly help in a fight - being fully programmed for hand-to-hand combat as well. In many ways she was better than him. But then again, she was a machine. She might be programmed but she didn't have the intuition or gut that aided in a fight. "I'm not sure why you want to hide everything from them." Rommie whispered walking beside him. "We could use their help." He gave her a look without breaking stride. Now was not the time or place. "Fine." Rommie gestured before turning her attention ahead. When he discovered that they were getting separate quarters, Gaheris frowned. He almost made an issue of it. The android should not be on her own. But that might raise questions and the rooms were across from each other, so it wasn't too much of an issue. The quarters were nice. Expansive a bit. Almost more luxurious than military. Oh, his quarters on the Andromeda was a bit nicer than most but that was because he was first officer. But even then, it wasn't as.... civilian as these. And that was when he first moved in too. The food replicator was a fascination. It was a bit difficult to hide his surprise. Rommie didn't even bother. "You managed to create things at the atomic level." Her voice held a bit of fascination even though no emotions could be read from her. She examined the replicator. "Theoretically if you know the atomic structure of something you could be able to reconstruct it but I never thought someone would actually be able to do so. This is way beyond," Gaheris' cleared his throat. "Belief." Rommie straightened, hands behind her back in a perfect soldier's stance. "It's very impressive." She told Nex even as Wolf scowled in the background. Gaheris obviously not trusting. He was polite - which wasn't really an act - but he didn't trust them nor wanted to reveal that much up front. If they were going to be enemies than the more they knew about him and Rommie the more advantage they had. And at this time he had no idea what kind of threat they posed but it was best NOT to give them more than what they needed.