[quote=@Audacious] SPYRAL archetype. It's so broken that, as an example, out of the top 32 decks at a recent tournament, 27 of them were SPYRAL decks. [/quote] The best counters to it from what I've seen are a Full Crystal-Beast deck and a Perfect E-Heroes deck. You could probably get away with a Stardust Warriors too, if you choose some good Pendulums and have all the right Synchrons. Alternatively if you have a Sacred Beast or Gods deck with three Mound of the Bound Creators and March of the Monarchs you'd have a good shot. If Hazy Flame had more support it would be perfect but they only have enough cards for maybe half a deck. Artifacts would also do well if supported correctly. A mix of the three Six Samurai archetypes might be good too.