[quote=@DarkwolfX37] The best counters to it from what I've seen are a Full Crystal-Beast deck and a Perfect E-Heroes deck. You could probably get away with a Stardust Warriors too, if you choose some good Pendulums and have all the right Synchrons. Alternatively if you have a Sacred Beast or Gods deck with three Mound of the Bound Creators and March of the Monarchs you'd have a good shot. If Hazy Flame had more support it would be perfect but they only have enough cards for maybe half a deck. Artifacts would also do well if supported correctly. A mix of the three Six Samurai archetypes might be good too. [/quote] Trickstars are also good as an anti-meta option. [quote=@DarkwolfX37] I had a perfect Chaos Dragons deck that used the Dragon-Lords and them getting banned dropped my win rate from 100% to around 30%. All the good chaos cards that could be in their place are either not dragons which ruins half the deck's supports, or are banned. [/quote] The banlist isn't a only a tool for game balance, it's also for motivating players to buy new decks as the old ones become playable. I'm just glad Kozmo has gone as long as it has with only Dark Destroyer being limited.