[quote=@Galaxy Raider] Trickstars are also good as an anti-meta option. The banlist isn't a only a tool for game balance, it's also for motivating players to buy new decks as the old ones become playable. I'm just glad Kozmo has gone as long as it has with only Dark Destroyer being limited. [/quote] If you're expecting to go against Spyral, if you have Double Helix and Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries you can shut down their deck. Maxx C also breaks Drone's affect. If you don't already, Cyber Dragon Nova and Infinity (if they aren't banned) and Chimera-Overtech would be good to have. Alternatively, if you don't mind not using an Extra Deck now that they're utterly useless anyway with the Link system, some monarch support cards and Wiched Eraser could counter any swarm deck, SPYRAL included.