[quote=@Legend] That sounds pretty cool. [/quote] It's cool if you're one of the guys out there who can afford/be lucky enough to get their hands on a deck that costs upwards of $500. Playing against it sucks unless you are also playing against it. [quote=@DarkwolfX37] The Fabled cards used to do that too, but even if half of them weren't banned the Link system would render them useless. This stupid ass update to the game made any deck from Arc-V backwards practically unplayable unless it already relied on Monarch cards and no Extra. I remember there being decks that could get out three Shooting Quasars in the first turn with Fables. [/quote] I had a friend who could get double Quasars turn 1 with about 75% consistency. But yeah, the game is usually busted, but the periods where the meta involves a triangle of elites, where 3 decks are the best, and those in rogue tier still have a shot are the best formats objectively.