[color=a2d39c]"Oof!"[/color] Orchid keeled over as Parum punched his guts. Had he been expecting it she wouldn't even tickled him, but he had almost forgotten that the halfling was even here. Just a few inches lower and she would have done some serious damage. [color=a2d39c]"Sorry boss..."[/color] Orchid recovered shortly after, quiet this time. Partly to maintain the ruse, mostly because such treatment was normal for him back at the forests. His teachers, while wise folk, always made sure to correct his mistakes quickly and simply. And nothing was simpler than a smack. As ordered Orchid went to hold Brannor, putting the man into a bear hug. It probably wouldn't have really stopped Brannor if he did want to get out, less so since Orchid most likely would let him out, but it at least looked like he was trying. Once Brannor was properly bound up the guard captain told Orchid to escort Brannor to transporting duty. It looked like Orchid was about to, but stopped and looked at Parum, as if asking if he had permission to do so or not. He really wasn't sure.