Harek was one of the Vikings caught off guard by the charging Saxons and scrambled to draw his sword and get back. He managed to clumsily block a sword that got close to cutting his stomach open. A stray weapon cut his thigh and he winced in pain. He saw multiple raiders around him get cut down and others were running. He looked around and saw shield walls were forming up behind him. He made a quick stab at one of the Saxons, yelled at the remaining with him to follow, and sprinted toward one of the shield walls. Once he got to it he yelled ,"make way!!!" and leaped over the initial men in the shield wall. As he dove over the front row, accidentally kicking one in the shoulder, men in the back rows saw him coming and moved out the way. He hit the earth with a thud and got the wind knocked out of him. He crawled away and stumbled to his feet. He really should have worn his armor and shield.