[@KatherinWinter] Name: Honjo "Ren" Masamune Age: 709 years Species: Tsukumogami Weapon: Their Sheath Skills: [u]knowledge[/u]: After living 709 years and fighting with a large number of humans, daemons, angel-like-thing, a dog, and vampires Ren has a vast variety of knowledge and skills. [u]Human projection[/u]: After living for so long they learned to project a human form to interact with the world. [u]Mind link[/u]: This is a form of mental bonding with their wielder allowing telepathic communication and sharing their knowledge and abilities to a extent -"I doubt you could find a better sword fighter than a sword itself." weakness/limits: [u]Human projection[/u]: Well in this form they look human and it does have presence there mass does not increase so they don't increase in weight remaining the same as their sword form. This form is also rather delicate reverting to their true form if injured. [u]Thalassophobia[/u]: Even as a sword that doesn't have a need for breathing the sea, and most large water sources, are only a source of fear for Ren. [u]Mind link[/u]: This is based on partnership and thus requires both parties to allow it to work, furthermore the connection goes two ways meaning Ren feels what the wielder feels, like pain, and the wielder feels what Ren does, like fear. Finally if not touching the connection is slowly lost. Appearance: [hider=Human projection] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ff/43/31/ff4331cf305859a0d76da7b4225b9dc7.jpg[/img] [/hider] Sword form- A katana with a blade length measuring about 74 cm, total length of 101 cm. The Tsuba being that of three dragons clawing at each other in a circle. The handle wrappings are a light red color. Bio: It started with a man named Masamune, the sword smith, who made a sword. In truth he made many swords but the other swords don't really matter for this story. Now Masamune was a very good sword smith each sword capable of their own amazing feats, like cutting only that which deserved it. Out of all the swords one was just a sword nothing that unique about it when compared to the others. That was a long time ago, Eventually when a object exists for a long enough time that object can come alive. Why this happens can very maybe it was a soul lost in the cycle of reincarnation, a result of all the life that the sword stole, or maybe it has no cause and just happened. Time passed and that one sword, with its new life, was killed for, soled, passed down from person to person until it ended up with a man called 'Coldy Bimore'. 'Coldy Bimore' was not the mans real name but that does not really matter as he only had the sword for about a week when the small ship he was on sunk on its way out of the country sitting on the ocean floor for a short time, only twenty years, before it was scavenged by a very lucky scuba diver. Were it went after being found is something for another time. That is my story, the story of a sword, mostly.