A light, elegant laugh echoed through the room as Shion strode into the dining hall. Emiri looked up, displeased as she watched Shion stop before the table, a hand to her cheek. "[color=deepskyblue]I would take that more seriously if it was coming from...anyone else,[/color]" She stated as she took her seat, smiling at the irritated Emiri. It seemed as if she had heard Wesley, though Shion was more amused than anything. The brunette grumbled something inaudible, though it was nothing that countered his argument. So what if Shion could probably mop the floor with her? That didn't make her better, if anything it infuriated Emiri more. Why was she so content on stepping on her and showing superiority when it was already more than obvious? Getting even was definitely in the forefront of her mind, though going about it was another story. Sitting up straight, Emiri cleared her throat, tapping a finger on the table. "[color=springgreen]I was raised to respect my elders,[/color]" She tried to sound dignified, but it came out as more of a huff. Shion nodded slowly. "[color=deepskyblue]I'm [i]so[/i] relieved you'll listen to Wesley, we wouldn't want you to get hurt [i]again[/i]. would we?[/color]" She asked, batting her eyelashes. "[color=deepskyblue]We can't have you be more of a liability than usual, can we?[/color]" Grant nearly choked on his food. "[color=darkorchid]H-Hey now...[/color]"