[@Stern Algorithm] Kanako listened to Catherine's explanation just as intently as before. When she said to prepare herself and to burn what would happen next in her mind, she became nervous. What was going to happen? She was going to say something that would make her lose control. What could that be? She wouldn't lose control, no matter what happened. "Your skirt is ripped up and your panties are showing." Like a comical scene from an anime, Kanako's face slowly turned red as she froze in place. She looked down and saw that her skirt was nowhere to be found. Just to be sure, she patted her butt, finding that she was touching her pantyhose and the panties underneath directly. It was true. She had no idea how it could be true but it was true for sure. [i]C-calm down, Kanako, c-calm down... T-take a deep breath... D-don't scream... N-no one else is here... T-there's only Catherine and she's a woman, not a man... Come on Kanako... calm down!!![/i] Kanako began taking her deep breaths. Slowly but surely however, her breath became shorter and shorter, and eventually, she buried her face inside her palms, sobbing, mumbling, "Uuu, this is so embarrassing... I-I'm so sorry, Miss..."