As the Jedi walked, he couldn't help but keep taking short glances towards the checkpoint. A stubborn Ithorian was there, being spoken to by a surprisingly patient Stormtrooper. As he tore his eyes away from the scene, he heard the distinct sound of blaster fire. Then the tell tale flash as the weapon was discharged, causing all on the busy street to pause in surprise. Blasters were an all too common sight in the undercity, but pulling one out at an Imperial checkpoint and firing at Stormtroopers? That was an entirely different level. A nearby merchant dropped his wares, a metal vase which loudly dented as it hit the floor. The mixture of multiple languages being spoken among the crowd was halted. Varlo had paused in stride, watching as the scene unfolded. One Stormtrooper went to the ground, jumping on top of the trigger happy Ithorian. The alien was hollering an ear piercing scream as he went down hard. His blaster smacked into the ground, away from the madman's grasp. The Jedi watched as the Stormtrooper frantically felt at the Ithorian's gut. A sharp inhale entered Varlo's breath as he figured out what the trooper very well could have discovered. He was proven correct as the soldier hollered as loud as she could that there was a bomb. The blasted lunatic had strapped himself with a makeshift bomb. Varlo had heard of others doing this in the past, aliens carrying out these insane acts against Imperials in retribution for their anti-alien policies and laws. Terrorism was no good answer to that, even with how the Jedi personally felt about the Empire he could not let this stand. There were dozens of civilians around, they would be hurt or even killed by the explosion. He couldn't let them die, or even the Stormtroopers that were just doing their job. Varlo sprinted towards the chaos, drawing eyes all around him. Including some of the Stormtroopers who instinctively rose their weapons at him. He stopped halfway down the street from the scene, then flicked his fingers out. Channeling the Force he pushed the Stormtrooper being clenched down by the Ithorian out of the madman's arms, pushing her to the side away from the would be bomber. As he felt that all so familiar feel of the Force flow through him he motioned with his hands again, lifting the Ithorian high into the air, away from any innocents. The explosion high above rocked the street below. A mixture of orange and red filled the formerly blackened skies. The Ithorian disappeared in the explosive flash, tiny debris raining down harmlessly to the floor. The bomber was neutralized along with his explosive. Varlo wish he hadn't had to even do that, he wished the Ithorian hadn't gone down the path he had chosen. But the Jedi had done what he needed to. No innocents had perished. The one that had discovered the bomb was off to the side, safe and sound. Varlo let himself breath again, then felt all the eyes upon him. The crowd was still silent. He wondered if any of them had ever seen a Jedi in action before, if they understood what they had just witnessed. Then he remembered how the Jedi were regarded in this post-Republic era. The Stormtroopers moved towards him with their weapons pointed directly at him. He heard one of them yell for him to stop as he dashed to the side, pushing through the crowd and darting down an alleyway to the side. He couldn't even remember the last time his heart was beating as fast as it was at that moment.