[img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51tz%2BIOC42L._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg[/img] Genre: Science Fiction [b]The Ultramarine Omnibus[/b] by Graham McNeill. I've read these books back in...I can't recall. I think Highschool or early years of college, and I'm just getting back into it. I'm just starting the third book in my re-read, so the last book of this omnibus, and there are six books in all (that are written, so two Omnibus'). This omnibus follows the Captain of the 4th company Uriel (as well as a few others, particularly his Sergeant Pasanius), fighting Necrons, Tyranids, and Chaos Space Marines throughout this interesting narrative. McNeill does a fine job by giving the rigid and fairly indoctrinated Space Marine mind a sense of self and a real individuality, which people don't often give to the Astartes very much, especially such a rigid chapter as the Ultramarines. Not only that, but he gives a wide variety of secondary and major human characters, as well as different world politics across the Imperium. I recommend this series for those wanting a good Space Marine read, as well as another Omnibus... [img]https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1380871608l/84463.jpg[/img] Genre: Science Fiction [b]The Space Wolf Omnibus[/b] by William King. If you're familiar with William King's Warhammer fantasy books, you'll not want to miss this Omnibus either. I never did finish the last book, but that was more from life than lack of enjoyment. William King writes just as well in this Omnibus, following the dark recruitment, training, and missions of Ragnar the Space Wolf, and his squad of Space Wolves. It's a stark contrast to the highly disciplined Ultramarine novels. For those that don't know, the Space Marines are highly encouraged to follow the Codex Astartes, a book of war written by the Ultramarine's Primarch back after the Horus Heresy. Most Chapters follow its example and rules, but a few key ones do not, the Space Wolves particularly among them. Known to have as much skill and discipline in battle as an Ultramarine, but they're also much more independent and separate from other Chapters with their own unique customs and battle doctrine. It's a hell of a Nordic themed read, as well.