Nice to see some Shanarra love! Heritage of Shanarra is still one of the best Fantasy Trilogies/Quadrilogies of all time in my opinion, up there with; [b]The Elenium Trilogy by David Eddings.[/b] It's got great characters, magic, evil, high stakes, a complex villainous scheme. Everything you want in a fantasy, to be honest. Check it out if you like Fantasy. Here are a few other books I recommend. [b]Call Of The Wild by Jack London.[/b] It's great. It's a story about a dog growing more wild until it goes to live with wolves. [b]Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier[/b] It's a love story, but it's just so full of mystery, tension, and the main character and narrator is filled with paranoia and jealousy, and this comes through in the narration. It's really, really good. [b]Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Verne[/b] Still one of the best adventure novels of all time despite it's age.