"Oh? Is little Miss Bri asking her boss on a date?" Adrian playfully teased. "Well as fun as your offer sounds, I still do have some work I need to do. I have to file the rest of the paperwork. You are free to go however if you wish." Adrian started stacking the boxes, "Oh and actually it's still light out. I know it feels like it is later being in this dark cellar." he added with a laugh. ________________________ Amelie walked around the plaza. [i]It sure is busier than it has been in a long time. [/i] she thought to herself, taking note of all the people around shopping. It was both a good and bad thing to Amelie. It was good because more people in town meant better business for the local shops; including the Inn, but it was also a bad thing because all these people made it hard for the locals to enjoy the nature beauty of the town. Amelie came to the large tree in the center of the town. This was the Spirit Tree. The tree was rumored to have once been the home to little spirits that kept this town alive and well but it had been destroyed in the earthquake a long time ago. She walked around the tree, wondering what it had looked like back in its prime. She almost didn't notice the man sitting under the tree until she nearly stepped on him. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" she took a few steps back, "Are you an actor of some sort?" She noticed his clothes were kind of strange, not something most people would wear everyday.