So I said a while ago that I was interested, and that was true, I was just punched in the face by a huge ball of writer's block right after. So here's my character idea, a bit late but still here ^-^. [hider=Lilith] [b]Name:[/b] Lilith ('true' name lost to time) [b]Nickname:[/b] Herald of Malady, Mother of Sin [b]Age:[/b] null [b]Class:[/b] Demon [b]Race:[/b] Fallen Angel [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Shattered beyond recognition by her own power, Lilith is a twisted shadow of her former self. She erratically moves from one emotional extreme to another, completely changing her behaviour as she shifts from deep despair to burning rage. Her erratic behaviour makes her impossible to predict, even for her allies. Occasionally she has switched sides in the middle of a fight, or simply disengaged from it entirely. She tends towards negative emotions such as wrath, fear and despair, however on occasion something as mild as a bad joke can send her into a fit of laughter that lasts days. Unfortunately, she isn't any less dangerous when she's in a 'good' mood. While usually vicious and destructive, due to her own history children evoke a strange emotional reaction in her. Most of the time she will become more kind and motherly in their presence, but occasionally she will fly into a murderous rage and slaughter them all. It is possible, if risky, to try and change Lilith's mood by talking to her. Those who do this well can even earn her favour, causing her to temporarily enter a 'benevolent' state, acting more like her pre-fall self. [b]Biography:[/b] Once, Lilith was a being of kindness and light. She was known as the Angel of Mercy, using her powers to ease the suffering of mankind. She brought solace to the griefstricken, calm to those consumed with rage, and relief to the suffering. Her mere presence would soothe the woes of the world, and under her gaze humans prospered. Although immortal angels were not capable of conceiving, they were more than capable of love, and Lilith was deeply in love with another angel. But cruel fate seperated them during the War in Heaven, when her husband chose to betray Heaven and follow Lucifer. He spoke of freedom and equality as he fell ever further from the light, and during the war even Lilith was forced to use her powers to fight. For the first time in her ageless existence she was forced to inflict pain instead of relieving it, and the experience broke something inside of her. As the war came to it's climax she was faced with her own husband, now almost unrecognisable as his former self. As an angel he was immortal, and as he died again and again, Lilith could not bear to watch him suffer more. When they were faced with one another Lilith knew she could not fix him. What had once made him a force for good had been lost forever. So she soothed his pain, and soothed his heart, dragging him back from the brink. And she kept pulling, draining out all of his woes, and all that he was, until there was nothing left. She slew him, in such a way that not even an angel could recover from. He was forever lost to oblivion, his very soul turned to dust. Unable to bear her despair, and unable to take her immortal life, Lilith wielded her powers on herself. She drained herself of her own sorrow, and buried her pain through magic. She became cold and distant, performing her duties out of habit. Slowly, as she retreated ever further within her own being, Lilith's light turned to darkness. Those who received her healing found themselves cold and empty, and the land she watched over became a dark and desolate place. The pain she had suppressed could never truly be erased, and she had merely allowed the wound to fester. It grew within her heart, until her heart itself rotted away. Her pain and agony spilled from her being, and began twisting those around her. Those she had once helped were now thrown into disarray as her manipulation caused war and death all around the world. She was cast from Heaven, and yet even as she fell she had lost the ability to care. She became a creature not quite demon, but far from angel, a force for evil rivalled by few. Empty, twisted by the suffering she had locked within her core. Now, she is motivated only by her own broken mind, and an unrelenting hunger. Once, she was locked within the bowels of hell by the demons who dwelt there, fearing her erratic influence. But now, as the world itself came to an end, she was unleashed unto the world once more. And none are safe from her darkness. [b]Notable Skills:[/b] [Angelic Physiology] Like all Angels, Lilith was created as a 'perfect being', possessing physical abilities far beyond those of a normal human. While her physique is not unusual among angels, she is certainly far stronger and faster than most mortals. She can also fly. [Devourer of Hope] Lilith possesses the ability to drain the emotions of other living beings. Originally this ability was used to remove negative emotions such as wrath and suffering. Now it is used to leave people as empty husks of their former selves. Those Lilith touches find their will to live sapped, their very drive to act. Even a cursory touch will leave a mark of darkness within the soul of a mortal that will haunt them for the rest of their life. Extended contact can even reduce angels to husks, their compassion and love replaced by emptiness. Those who are completely drained become 'husks', near-mindless zombie-like creatures who try to fill the emptiness within by devouring the flesh and souls of the living. It is a fate considered by many to be worse than death. [Herald of Despair] Once, Lilith's light filled those in her presence with hope and love. Now, her presence brings only suffering. Lilith radiates intense emotion, that fills those near her. She can inflict mind-numbing fear to paralyse her opponents, send her enemies into a mindless rage, or simply inflict excruciating agony upon them. The emotion released by this power often mirrors the emotional extreme she's currently experiencing. The closer you are to Lilith the more extreme this effect becomes, and attempting to fight her face-to-face is ill-advised for those who do not possess truly extreme willpower. Mortals without some sort of magical protection or truly unusual willpower are helpless to this power's influence, and as such Lilith's mere presence usually causes wide-spread chaos and destruction. As part of this power Lilith is innately aware of the emotions of other beings, and can sense strong emotions even over long distances. [Blood-Sealed Contract] Powerful sorcerors are capable of partially summoning Lilith into the world, and making a 'contract' with her. They carry some shard of Lilith's hunger in exchange for eternal life and superhuman power. These sorcerors were twisted into inhuman creatures, shunned by heaven and gifted with dark power. However, they needed to consistently feed on the lifeforce of living beings or have their own consciousness devoured by the Hunger and become a Husk. These creatures are known among mortals as Vampires, and Lilith is believed to be responsible for the creation of the first vampires. This, among other things, is what earned her the title of 'Mother of Sin'. She is still capable of performing this contract, if one were to ask, and was able to either bind her to their will through ancient magic or convince her to assist them. [/hider]