[hider=Lady Amaranthea ][center][h3][color=Crimson]Lady In Waiting[/color][/h3] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/fe053ed8d0eb5f964f6336771172f4d0/tumblr_n17ov95hE11ridkjdo1_500.gif[/img] [sub][b]{ [i]"When there's blood, war and feud. You must decide, which side you shall be on. Even if it's a hard decision. Be loyal."[/i] }[/b][/sub][/center][hr][hr] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Name[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Lady Amaranthea Ashwood of Abhainn.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Nickname[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Amara or Thea.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Age[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]21 years old. [/indent] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Gender[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Sexuality[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual. [/indent] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Kingdom[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Abhainn.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b]| [u]Alliance[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Originally from Sliabh. She's loyal to her future queen. The pair like best-friends, having been working for her, a long time. She's rather mutual when it comes to the alliance. As she came from Sliabh, now living in Abhainn. She's on friendly terms with both the Kingdoms and has shown/loyalty to Sliabh before her families move.[/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/OB48TdeHKLNtK/giphy.gif[/img][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/40f2fbc36385418653d85a0dec391fd8/tumblr_mwmbc6mqgO1qjozueo3_250.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=Sienna][b]| [u]In Depth Appearance[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Amara is a slender beauty. She stands tall, at 5'6". She's light, at 118lbs. With a pale, creamy complexion. Beautiful Raven hair, that falls in curls and ends at her waist. Her eyes are a beautiful green, in some shading it looks almost blue. She has a very soft, silky voice. Amara is always, seen in the beautiful dresses that Abhainn has to offer. She has her own horse-riding suit, any time she wishes to go out riding. Her hair is always loose, in her perfect curls. Accompanied by some beautiful hair pieces. Very rarely, is her hair styled up. Amaranthea likes to wear her jewelry, and earnings. Always looking her best and elegant, whether it's for her future Queen, or an event at the Castle. [/indent] [color=Sienna][b]| [u]Habits[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Biting the inside of her cheek when nervous. [*]Humming to self. [*]Pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes, when concentrating. [*]Plays with hands under the table. [/List][/indent] [color=Sienna][b]| [u]Hobbies[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Dancing. [*]Needlework. [*]Art. [*]Horseriding. [*]Being in the Gardens. [*]Playing her Violin. [*]Reading.[/List][/indent] [color=Sienna][b]| [u]Likes[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Animals and Nature. [*]Music, Art and History. [*]Dancing. [*]Festival and Celebrations. [*]Swimming. [*]Picnic down by the Rivers and Lakes.[/List][/indent] [color=Sienna][b]| [u]Dislikes[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]War and Death. [*]Dishonesty. [*]Liars. [*]Commoners being treated badly. [*]Spiders. [*]Animals and Nature, being mistreated. [*]Her family, friends being mistreated. [/List][/indent] [color=Sienna][b]| [u]Fears[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Loosing the rest of her family, in a war. [*]Claustrophobia. [*]Plagues and Death. [*]Snakes.[/List][/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/11DlRNiKvOhKp2/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/qHpD24tj0F4uk/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ea/54/97/ea549737e16cb3e9a35b7763bca226e0.jpg[/img][/Center][hr] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Personality[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Amaranthea, is a gentle, loving, compassionate soul. Amara has shown kindness, to those below her...especially commoners. She believes, they should be treated better than some are. Even, if she can't do much to change how things are...she tries to help; if she can. The young Lady in waiting, hates anything to do with war, bloodshed, death and illnesses. As she never, wishes anyone any harm...she things those things, are a disaster. And would not wish, such fate upon anyone. For a lady, of her status. She's intelligent. Reading, has been one of her hobbies since she could remember. It helps, educate the mind. As she always says. Some people, believe her to be a bit stubborn. If there is something, she believes in. Amara, will try her best, to let it be known. Without causing too much trouble, of course. She always goes about it, gentle...if her opinion is heard. But do not be fooled, she values the opinion of others and respects it. If she is wrong about something, she would admit it. [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Background[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Amara is the youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Ashwood. The Ashwood family, Originally came from the Kingdom Sliabh. They had been very loyal servants for decades. Her father was one of the King's best soldiers, until he died in the war. Leaving behind his wife, as a widow...and their 4 children. Her two elder brothers; Gideon and Mikael, and her sister Julietta. All 3 of her siblings, too work for the royal family in various positions around the castle. With the Ashwood family, being so close to the royals. She grew up along side the royals. The future queen of Abhainn, is one of her closest friends. She at times, considers her a sister...not just her mistress. She has worked, for her since she was 15 years old. As one of her Ladies in Waiting. She knows her quite well, and is very loyal to her. The pair, are almost always seen together. If the future queen is one with one of her other ladies. With the announcement, of the treaty and marriage. Amara is quite worried...hoping that her Mistress would find happiness. And that the war and blood-shed would be over. When she turned 17, her family's estate got taken from them. And given to another Noble. The family of Ashwood, had to relocate and ended up in the Kingdom of Abhainn. Her family, now royal to the Kingdom of Abhainn and it's King. Amaranthea and her Mistress, have kept in touch with letters, visits over the years they have been apart. Amara was quite sad to leave, her Queen behind. But is glad, when she comes to Abhainn for the Engagement celebrations. She acts as her Queen's council/gives her advice if she needs it. [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Extra[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]The Tudor Period.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Prince Lucian of Abhainn][center][h3][color=RoyalBlue]Prince Lucian Auclair of Abhainn[/color][/h3] [img]http://www.teenidols4you.com/blink/Actors/william_moseley/william-moseley-1314107860.jpg[/img] [sub][b]{ [i]”No one is perfect. Yet in this time and age, we must strive for perfection or be cast away.”[/i] }[/b][/sub][/center][hr][hr] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Name[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Prince Lucian Sebastian Auclair.[/indent] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Nickname[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Luc or Luci. Your Majesty, His Highness Lucian.[/indent] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Age[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]17 Years Old.[/indent] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Gender[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Sexuality[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual.[/indent] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Kingdom[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Abhainn.[/indent] [color=RoyalBlue][b]| [u]Alliance[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]To His Kingdom, and with it his elder brother Maddox and their family. Lucian is cautious about the alliance. But doesn't really voice his worries. When the guests from Sliabh arrive. He shows respect, and slowly also shows friendship towards them. [/indent] [hr][Center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/9e2d7658735cbaaba161491189e38956/tumblr_nfpt8hug6o1shenylo3_250.gif[/img][img]http://static.tumblr.com/0b6d01476f0fbab4b11329534c469856/8od6orp/Xoymnkqng/tumblr_static_lll.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]In Depth Appearance[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Lucien is rather handsome. He has young, vibrant and chiseled features. His blue eyes, are always crystal and have a sparkle in them. They are said to be rather soulful. Standing at 6'00". He's a little shorter than his brother Maddox. He weighs about 155lbs. His blonde hair, is always cropped short and his face clean, with no facial hair. He's always dressed well, and presentable. Being a young Prince, he wears slightly a more varied colored clothes than his brother. Preferring Blues among his selection. He bears a few scars from a jousting incident a year ago. But he takes pride, if anyone asks. Quite proud of his skills and achievements in jousting, even if it cost him a little blood.[/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Habits[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Whistling. [*]Running a hand through his hair, when nervous or thinking. [*]Rolling his eyes and scoffing when annoyed/irritable.[/List][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Hobbies[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Jousting. [*]Horse-riding. [*]Sports [*]Learning new dual tactics. [*]History and Art.[/List][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Likes[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Sparring, even if Jousting is his bigger passion. [*]Exploring the Woods. [*]Nature and Animals. His favourite are Wild Cats. [*]Music. [*]Dance. [*]Getting attention, from pretty young ladies.[/List][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Dislikes[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Him and his family being debased. [*]The Current War. He prefers peace. [*]Being the Youngest in the family. [*]Bugs. He finds them pesky little things. [*]Annoying advisers of the family...and in general annoying people.[/List][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b]| [u]Fears[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][List][*]Death of him and his family. [*]Being Alone. [*]Spiders and Snakes.[/List][/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/b7bdb4e8bb381a087b8d750f9976646c14a3fcf5/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7076596267775a356e644c534f773d3d2d3430343334363831342e313462393235336538316465653536633730383236363538363139372e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][/Center][hr] [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]| [u]Personality[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Growing up in a royal family. Lucian is somewhat spoilt, like his elder brother Maddox. But maybe, doesn't brag as much about the family riches. He likes, the wealth, and all that comes along with it. Lucian is quite stubborn. If he wants something. He goes after it. But tends to hold his temper, within him. He can hold it back, for quite a long time. And when he explodes...he takes it out physically, rather than verbally. And he finds...Sports, is a great way to release his anger and agitation. He's quite the charmer and flirt among ladies. Being young, he has the attention of many young ladies across the Court and Kingdom. Whilst he flirts, he means no harm. But hopes to settle down one day, with a girl that can handle him. But he's rather intelligent and perhaps more mature, than his big brother. He has taken a liking to his lessons over the years. The only thing, he did not like very much was dance. But over the years, he has grown quite fond of it, and is rather good dancer.[/indent] [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]| [u]Background[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]His History, is perhaps no more different than that of his big brother. He too, was born to the King Frederick the Sixth by a Mistress. Though, unlike his elder brother. No attempts, were made to pass him off as the legitimate son to the Queen of Abhainn. People knew the King's ways, and that the Queen bore no children to the King. Despite that, Lucian was still named Prince of Abhainn. Grown to be loved by his people, even by the Queen. Growing up, Lucian disliked being the youngest. Somehow, he always want to grow up, and skip over the trouble teen years so to speak. Even though, he looked up to his elder brother, for being future King. He was also slightly jealous at that fact. The idea of being King, excited him. But he's not really ready, and fears that if something were to happen to Maddox...he's take over. Unprepared for such an event. Just like any siblings, there's been slight rivalry/tension between the two boys. But Lucian never caused scandals by sleeping around like Maddox. Even after all of that,Lucian still stands by his brother, and is loyal to him and their Kingdom. Family love above all. That's always his Motto. Although at first, he's not very excited about the arrival of the New Kingdom, he grows friendlier towards Sliabh eventually. But there's always a little bit of caution and worry, that's bugging him about the alliance and the war. [/indent] [color=MediumSeaGreen][b]| [u]Extra[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]The same as before. Also likes Dystopian, Fantasy and Slice of Life. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Amaranthea's Relationship Chart] [center] [h1][color=Crimson][b]Lady in Waiting Amaranthea Ashwood[/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [center][h3][b][u]T H E K I N G S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#E15436][u][b]M A D D O X . A U C L A I R[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"The King of Abhainn and Master."[/color] Maddox is the current King, that Amaranthea serves as a loyal lady of his court. Just like many woman in Court and Kingdom, she finds he's rather charming. But she wouldn't allow it to go anywhere. She's quite aware of his ways. The only feelings, she has are those of loyalty and respect for the young King. [color=#729674][u][b]A L I S T E R . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"My former King, I am loyal to the family of Hardin. And always will."[/color] Alister is a man, that Amaranthea has great respect for. Growing up in Sliabh, he was the king she knew for a long time. The Hardin family, are a special part of her life. Despite living in Abhainn for a few years now. She's still loyal to Alister, his family and his Kingdom. It's her home, and loyalty to her home will never die. [center][h3][b][u]T H E Q U E E N S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#FF6363][u][b]J U L I A N N A . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"Not just my Mistress, but also my Best-friend."[/color] Amara and Julianna had grown up together, The two being Best-Friends; almost like sisters from a young age. Amara values Julianna's friendship greatly and had always been very loyal to her. She's quite excited, that Julianna's coming to Abhainn. She's a little worried, about the treaty and the current war. Wondering if it'll bring peace, like it is meant to. But she truly hopes, that Julianna will be happy. [color=#E3A25F][u][b]M I R A B E L L E . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"Queen Mira, always had that motherly vibe to her."[/color] Amaranthea has high respect for her former Queen,the King of Sliabh. Amara was always on friendly terms with Queen Mira. She found wisdom and motherly kindness in Mira's words and actions. She's looking forward to seeing her and her family once more. [center][h3][b][u]T H E P R I N C E S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#0048BA][u][b]J A X T O N . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"He was always a sweet young boy. I wonder what young man he's grown up to be."[/color] Jaxton is another person, that's dear to Amara's heart. Him being close to his Aunt Julianna, Amara seen him quite a lot as he was growing up. Whilst she still remembers him as the little boy he was. She had always looked out for him, and spent some time with him along with Julianna, in a trio. Amara wonders what a young man he's grown up to be. Hopefully, she will have a chance to catch up with him a little bit. [color=BlueViolet][u][b]L U C I A N . A U C L A I R[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"I haven't spoken to him much, but he's a smart young Prince."[/color] Amara and Lucian, don't have the most strongest of relationships. The pair haven't really spoken much. But just like everyone else, Amara's been kind to the young Prince. She sees the potential in the young Prince, he's very smart and able. He's one of the few people, that accepted her and her family's arrival in Abhainn with Kindness. [center][h3][b][u]T H E P R I N C E S S E S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=PaleGreen][u][b]E L A I S S E . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"I wonder, if she remembers me; at least a little."[/color] Amara remembers little Elaisse fondly. The sweet young girl, whom was always close to her big brother and liked to spend time in the Gardens with her aunt. She had spent some time with the young Princess, back when she still lived in Sliabh. But hadn't had a chance to see the young Princess during her visits, due to the time schedules and the princess education. [center][h3][b][u]T H E L O R D S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#0077BC][u][b]G O D D A R D . A M B E R L I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"Mhh, I am not sure what to say about Lord Amberlin. He hasn't really impressed me much. He chews like a cow on hay."[/color] The few, encounters that Amaranthea had with Lord Amberlin...mainly due to her father. Lord Ashwood and Lord Amberlin being somewhat friends. But the experiences of seeing Amberlin; Has left her quite disgusted. Especially with his eating habits. She's never seen anyone chew so loud, like that...it's disgusting. But nonetheless, she puts on a smile and tries to be respectful. Even if he doesn't strike as her someone interesting. [color=#B3A984][u][b]A E D A N . M E R R Y N[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"He's someone, that holds a special place in my heart and life. I really hope, there's no hard feelings on his side. Shhh...no gossiping."[/color] Amara had known Aedan, from a young age. She had always admired his talent and finesse with the sword. His charm, and handsome looks, that smile has always made her melt. There's only a few that know about her growing affections towards Lord Aedan; and that's mainly lady Julia. Amaranthea is always rather shy, when it comes to her feelings towards Aedan. But has missed him quite a bit, since she had left. Amara does not know, what's in store for her, when they'll meet again. [center][h3][b][u]T H E L A D I E S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=9E0B0F][u][b]A L I C E . A L L A I R E[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e005d]"She's a protector of women, in my eyes. I have great respect for Lady Alice."[/color] Whilst Amaranthea and Alice, haven't really spoken a lot. Amara has great respect for the Lady of Abhainn, and the fact that she is a Shield-Maiden. Amara feels, that Alice is a great addition to the Army, and good protector of their people...and women. She hopes to get to know her a little bit better. From the previous conversations the pair had, it had been interesting. [color=Palegreen][u][b] E V A N G E L I N E . F A R T H I N G[/b][/u][/color] [Color=9e005d]"It's a shame, I haven't gotten to know her better before leaving. I do hope, she had been taking good care of Lady Julia."[/color] Amaranthea and Evangeline knew each other for about 2 years; before Amara moved to Abhainn with her family. The two young girls, working side by side as Ladies in waiting for Princess Julianna. Whilst Amara would consider Evangelina a friend; the pair have not yet grown a deeper friendship. Hopefully, that might change during their stay to Abhainn and the pair can get to know each other a bit more. [/hider] [hider=Prince Lucian's Relationship Chart] [center] [h1][color=BlueViolet][b]Prince Lucian Auclair[/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [center][h3][b][u]T H E K I N G S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#E15436][u][b]M A D D O X . A U C L A I R[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"A pain in the butt, Big of a brother and my King. We may argue, but I still love my brother and am loyal to him and our Kingdom."[/color] Lucian is the little brother of King Maddox. The pair have a slightly rocky relationship. Like any sibling, there comes a bit of rivalry and arguments. But at the end of the day. The two stick together, have each other's backs like family. At times Lucian admires his big brother, and at times he envies him. I guess it just comes, with being the little brother of a King. [color=#729674][u][b]A L I S T E R . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"I don't really know, King Alister. I haven't met him yet."[/color] Lucian doesn't really know much about King Alister. Nor does he know, what to make of the King just yet. But deep down, quite curious about the King. All he knows, that their Kingdoms will be joined together through this marriage/alliance. Lucian just hopes, that somehow the two families might get on well together. [center][h3][b][u]T H E Q U E E N S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#FF6363][u][b]J U L I A N N A . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"My Future Sister in Law, I hope she might change my brother's ways and make him happy."[/color] Whilst Lucian doesn't know much about Julianna, besides from little rumors he head heard. He hopes that the young Princess would be a good influence on his brother Maddox. And hopefully, someone that can handle his brother, in a good way. He's curious to meet his future-sister in law. [color=#E3A25F][u][b]M I R A B E L L E . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"I hadn't met the Queen of Sliabh."[/color] Whilst he has heard of her motherly instincts. Lucian knows even less about her, than he does the King of Sliabh. Hopefully, she is a good Queen. As good as the rumors said she is. [center][h3][b][u]T H E P R I N C E S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#0048BA][u][b]J A X T O N . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"I heard he's my age, but don't really know him to be honest."[/color] The boys don't know much about each other, as they had not met yet.Even if Lucian is concerned about the union of the two Kingdoms, a little part of him hopes he and Jaxton might have a few common interests. [center][h3][b][u]T H E P R I N C E S S E S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=PaleGreen][u][b]E L A I S S E . H A R D I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"I am not sure what to think, I haven't met her yet."[/color] Lucian doesn't know anything about the princess Elaisse, besides being a relative of Julianna. He wonders if the two of them will be able to get on, and find some common ground and interest to spark a friendship. [center][h3][b][u]T H E L O R D S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=#0077BC][u][b]G O D D A R D . A M B E R L I N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"Mhh, Can't say I like him that much. But he still has my respect."[/color] Lucian has somewhat mixed feelings and view about Lord Amberlin. Maybe it's because of the man's conniving skills and ambitions to be better than most, that puts Lucian off ever so slightly. But still the Prince, respects the elder Noble and admires his skills in the battle field, for a man of his age. [color=#B3A984][u][b]A E D A N . M E R R Y N[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"I am not sure, if the name is supposed to be familiar to me."[/color] Whilst Lucian, does not know much about Aedan. The young Prince, isn't really sure what to think of someone, he's not yet met. But he's heard stories from Lady Alice, about a very formidable enemy; she's made on the battle field. He can't help but wonder, if her enemy might be among the visitors to Abhainn. [center][h3][b][u]T H E L A D I E S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [color=Crimson][u][b]A M A R A N T H E A . A S H W O O D[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"She's quite pretty, I've seen her out and about a few times. She's a very kind soul.."[/color] Lucian and Amaranthea don't know each other that well. The pair have seen each other, briefly a few times. Only having a few brief conversations. Lucian always found her to be very kind, sweet lady of the Kingdom. Despite it not being her true home. [color=9E0B0F][u][b]A L I C E . A L L A I R E[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"She's a Warrior Goddess. My Inspiration and one of my closest friends."[/color] Lucian had always admired Lady Alice, from afar and even from close up. Secretly, Lucian had been somewhat crushing on Lady Alice, from a young age. Despite the age difference. He admires her beauty, her courage and strength as a female warrior in his brother's Army. She's one of the best fighters, he had known and seen. Over his young years, she had always been there to reprimand him, for his mistakes. But the pair have always trusted each other and been close. She's currently training him in combat and Swordsmanship. And he couldn't ask for a better trainer, than her. Lucian also considers her a dear-friend. [color=Palegreen][u][b] E V A N G E L I N E . F A R T H I N G[/b][/u][/color] [color=0072bc]"Another Lady in waiting, I see."[/color] Evangeline is not someone, that Lucian has met personally. From his few conversations with Amara; he's heard a few nice things about the Lady. But only time, will tell what he'll think off her, when they finally meet. [/hider]