[center][img]https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/campaigns/33680/banners/298837/carrioncrown_title.jpg?1398104802[/img][/center] [hr][color silver][center] ℜ𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔬 | 12𝔱𝔥 𝔬𝔣 ℜ𝔬𝔳𝔞, 4711 | 1730 [/center][/color][hr] It wasn't very much longer until the tolling of the bell ceased, playing one small sequence of notes before stopping altogether. Kendra shook slightly at the series of tolls, before looking to the three gathered around her. "[color palevioletred]Excuse me, my friends; I believe this is my duty.[/color]" Kendra stood sharply, standing in front of the casket. Although she was attemping to look strong and prideful, it wasn't hard to see that grief still plagued her mind, and the tears were threatening to spill over her face. "[color palevioletred]It is time for the procession.[/color]" Kendra announced, looking over the few people seated in the church. "[color palevioletred]Will anybody-[/color] she stopped for a moment, her breath catching in her throat. "[color palevioletred]...Will anybody carry my father down the Dreamwake?[/color]" Being unfamiliar with the local customs, Tomomi simply gave her a puzzled look as she stood up as well. [color=8dc73f]"The Dreamwake?"[/color] “[color goldenrod]It is a path of The Graveyard.[/color]” -Ganth supplied helpfully, seemingly broken out of his deep thoughts just then. The Inquisitor observed as the young woman rose to call for pallbearers, the customs and proceedings all too familiar to him. So with little hesitation, he stepped forward with a raise hand. “[color goldenrod]Allow me.[/color]” [color=8A3DFF]”Oh yes! Allow me!”[/color] Felsi raised a hand and sauntered up, her voice holding none of the solemnity that it should have. It seemed to her that she’d come out here for new experiences, and this was [i]quite[/i] the experience. It was the chance to learn about local customs hands-on; and, also, she supposed that she owed it to the old Professor, although that was an afterthought. [color=8dc73f]"Is that so?"[/color] So a Dreamwake was simply the path going to the graveyard, and the woman was simply asking for people to help carry the coffin. Nodding solemly, Tomomi spoke up again. [color=8dc73f]"I'll do it."[/color] The young woodsman in the back stands as well, with only a gruff "[color f7976a]Aye.[/color]" as confirmation before he gently scooted past Iris, walking up towards the front. At nearly the same time, the well-kept man with the dark hair also stands, but says nothing, silently walking up towards the coffin with the rest of the group. Durisian, for his part attempts to slink down into his seat, but is shot an angry glare by the woodsman, more intimidation than coercion. The hopeful adventurer looks at him once, before slowly standing to his feet. "[color f7976a]Yes. I- I will also help! It would be my pleasure![/color]" he says, approaching the five other gathered people. [hr] Kendra, as the professor's closest living relative, has the job of leading the procession through the Restlands and down the gravel pathway of the Dreamwake, which for her part she does very well. Her steps are slow but sure, and she does not turn back to the procession to make sure everything is progressing; to do so would be seen as not trusting the people who had volunteered to carry the burden of the deceased's death. Those that carried the casket would find that it was an easy job with the six of them, the slight slack from Duristian's side easily compensated for by the strength of the woodsman. As the procession reaches the halfway point along the Dreamwake, they round a corner onto the Everpath, another trail through the Restlands. It is here that the procession seems to be blocked; a group of a dozen surly looking local people stand in the path, the tallest of the group speaking out as soon as the procession is noticed. “[color ff976a]That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here![/color]” “[color goldenrod]Why is it so?[/color]” -From the front, Ganth narrowed his eyes at the men. He kept his gaze level, but his tone was sharp. For the followers of Pharasma, to be denied rest in worthy grounds was the greatest of insult, and he would not let Lorrimor suffer such. "[color ff976a]We won't be having a necromancer buried with our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can![/color]" came the reply. "[color goldenrod]A necromancer?[/color]" -Ganth raised an eyebrow -"[color goldenrod]Surely you are mistaken, good men. I have known the professor ever since I first came to Ustalav. He was definitely no heretic.[/color]" [hider Mechanics] Ganth rolled a [b][color green]27[/color][/b] for diplomacy [/hider] The group of thugs collectively pauses, many of them exchanging looks or otherwise murmuring to themselves. After a moment in which it seems like the tension might boil over into a fight, one of the members of the mob slinks off, followed by another, and another. They all sullenly disperse, but not without a few venomous glances shot towards the rest of the procession. Nonetheless, they slink off and leave the Restlands, allowing the procession to continue. Curious, but careful not to draw attention to himself, Iris peered at the irate citizens reluctantly walking away, the news of necromancy completely unexpected. He would not have been wholly surprised if the rumors were confirmed given the professor's wide array of knowledge, but the opposition to it seemed adamant in their cause--at least enough to try gathering and protesting before the knight in front scared them off. Deciding to hold his questions until after the burial, Iris continued along, walking closely behind the woodsman. [color=8dc73f]"Well done."[/color] Tomomi was in no mood to talk nor bargain. While she was loathe to spill blood during anyone's funeral, she would not have suffered such fools lightly, especially then they intruded so rudely upon the ceremony. "[color goldenrod]There is just a misunderstanding, I'm certain.[/color]" -Ganth said simply -"[color goldenrod]They don't know what they are accusing him of.[/color]" "[color palevioletred]No doubt.[/color]" spoke Kendra, huffing once and flattening the front of her dress down nervously. "[color palevioletred]Necromancy. It's hard to believe a group of people could be so very ignorant.[/color]" Kendra nearly turns to face the procession, getting half a rotation before stopping suddenly and whirling back around to face forward. "[color palevioletred]You have my thanks, and my apologies. I didn't mean to put any of you as the target of anger, however foolishly misplaced it was.[/color]" "[color ff976a]It's no worries, lass. Those thugs would have quickly met the business end of my knuckles if they'd tried anything. Fortunately, our silver-tongued friend here prevented that.[/color]" speaks the woodsman, shifting slightly under the casket. The assault now past, the procession continues up to the plot that has been readied for Petros. There are no further complications that prevent the lowering of his coffin into the open grave by the gravediggers. The priest, a small wrinkled old man known as Father Grimburrow gives a very short sermon, and invites Kendra to say a few words about her father. Kendra, who has to take a moment to fight back tears, nods gratefully at the pastor, before stepping forward. "[color palevioletred]My father was a great man, as many of you know doubt know. But he was more than great, and he was more than just my father. He was a scholar of nearly everything, from ancient ruins to his middling in botany, and all of his research has gone to benefit someone else. Even if it was just one person, my father always made sure that they were taken care of. He was not just a professor, but a friend. He was as much a friend to me as he was a father...and there will be many other people apart from me who feel this loss. I thank you all for attending this; it means more to me than you could ever know, and if anybody else has something to say, please do.[/color]" Ganth kept his head low, bowing in respect of the deceased. Otherwise, he was quiet, his words choosing this moment to abandon him. Felsi chewed on her lip, looking towards the ground when Kendra called for people to speak for her late father. She certainly had words, yes, but she never was very good at expressing them, so instead she opted to keep quiet for fear of ruining the event. [color=8dc73f]"Then, allow me."[/color] Tomomi stepped forwards. [color=8dc73f]"I am Kinpachi Tomomi, one who he had hired again and again to guard him. There was once, when we stumbled upon a monster far beyond my skills, a formidable creature with skin hard as rocks. We escaped by the skin of our teeth, and by virtue of my own skills, but, I had taken grievous wounds while keeping him safe. It was truly a formidable monster, you see. But as I said, I suffered grievous wounds. Any other would have bolted, and left me for dead, or perhaps do even worse. Instead, he patched me up, and helped me get back on my feet. The monster was really strong, to leave me that wounded see, else I would have dispatched it with ease."[/color] She frowned slightly. [color=8dc73f]"Hmm, I have lost my train of thought there, but what I wanted to say was, Lorrimor may not be a perfect man, but he is certainly an honorable man in my eyes. And those who claim he is anything less would have to answer to my blade."[/color] With that, she bowed and stepped back again. [color 7588ff]"What if I do claim he's anything less?"[/color] Iris piped up, vaguely amused at the threat to the reputation of a dead man. He wasn't especially close to Lorrimor, nor did he have the same reverence for the scholar as the rest of the group, apparently, but he did have something to say. [color 7588ff]"There are two ways to dehumanize a person, did you know? Look down on them and look up to them."[/color] The Aasimar licked his lips slowly, the action intentionally promiscuous. [color 7588ff]"I'm a courtesan by trade,"[/color] he explained in the aftermath of the gesture, laughing lightly, [color 7588ff]"so I'm quite used to being looked down upon both figuratively and literally. But the Professor never did that, despite everything he saw. So I'd like to think he wasn't some detached holy man whose sensibilities passed far above ours, but someone who could stand on equal footing with every sort of noble and miscreant this world has to offer. No 'greater' sort could look a naked courtesan splayed out on the carpet dead in the eye and hold an earnest conversation with him."[/color] At that Iris laughed again, the sound at odds with the somber event. [color 7588ff]"But less is more for that man. In a way, he stepped down to my level and I thought that made him so much more than just a wise man and a scholar. It made him a fellow human who knew flaws and vices and held them with a measure of respect--at the very least for their power over others."[/color] A quiet sigh followed the lingering traces of laughter and speech and the rest was spoken mostly to himself. [color 7588ff]"Whatever awaits us beyond, Professor, I'm sure you'll have it figured out or befriended by the time we get there, isn't that right?"[/color] Slipping into silence, Iris let the moment dissipate, eyes tracing the shape of the coffin. There is a moment when nearly all the guests frown angrily at Iris as he talks, although they soften up considerably when they realize the extent of his point. The tears flow freely from Kendra's eyes again, the older gentleman at the dark haired one both close their eyes solemnly, and Duristian has to cough once to fake composure, his misty eyes giving him away. The rest of the burial goes off without a hitch, as the casket slowly disappears beneath the dirt. Kendra takes this opportunity to personally thank everyone for attending, flitting between guests once she has regained herself. It doesn't take too long before the grave is completely filled, the Father gives Kendra a few parting words and a quick hug before he and the gravediggers pack up and head home for the evening. There, with the sun setting, the guests depart one by one, and it is just the five of you standing in the Restlands. Five living visitors in a garden of the dead. "[color palevioletred]Well then.[/color]" says Kendra, wiping her eyes and nervously flattening the front of her dress again. "[color palevioletred]I suppose we should be going then. It's starting to get awfully chilly out here, and there's still the matter of the will to attend to. Let us return to my fathe-...[i]my[/i] estate.[/color]" she says, pausing to remind herself. [hr] The walk through the market district of Ravengro isn't anything very interesting. The shops are all beginning to close, save for the Tavern, whose warm light flickers invitingly. You only see two other souls on your way; a child that looks to be in her early teens running through the square, and an old farmdog curled up under the gazebo steps, who the teen pauses to pet before scurrying off towards what appears to be the residential part of town. Just outside of the market square, there sit a small number of regular houses, and one modest estate. It is at this estate that Kendra climbs the steps and pulls out a key, unlocking the door and inviting you all in to sit in the common room. The rooms are decently furnished and there are a few paintings of far off lands hung on the walls, but most of the extra space is taken up by large bookshelves, which seemed to be crammed in every available nook and cranny that could feasibly fit one. Kendra herself sits in one of the armchairs, looking over the rest of you. "[color palevioletred]I apologize, but the councilman isn't scheduled to arrive for another hour or so. Please, make yourselves at home.[/color]" she pauses for a moment, seemingly contemplating something, before jerking up and nearly launching herself out of her chair. "[color palevioletred]Where are my manners!? Would anybody care for a drink? Some tea, perhaps?[/color]" “[color goldenrod]Just some water for me, if that’s no trouble.[/color]” -Ganth accepted Kendra’s hospitality, settling down on one of the nearby chairs. Arriving just in time for the ceremony, the Inquisitor had yet to change out of his travelling outfit, the many layers along with various strenuous activities earlier had begun to feel rather uncomfortable. As he sat, Ganth observed the guests as well as the interior of the room. [color 7588ff]"You just buried your father, my lady. If you'll tell me where the refreshments are, I can manage that much, I'd think,"[/color] Iris replied, setting his pack down near the door. Felsi’s eyes visibly lit up at the sight of Lorrimor’s book collection- it [i]exactly[/i] what she’d been hoping for. [color=a6a6ea]”I’m, er, quiet all right, thank you.”[/color] she said, examining the contents of the nearest bookshelf before picking the first tome that caught her eyes. [color=a6a6ea]”I hope you don’t mind.”[/color] she muttered in Kendra’s general direction, already starting to read the book. Kendra relaxed in her seat slightly, looking at Iris. "[color palevioletred]It's in the kitchen. The tea bags are in one of the cupboards above, and the stove is right there. Be careful with it though; it's one of my father's projects. All you have to do is turn the knob and set the kettle on the fire. It should heat the water fairly quickly.[/color]" With a nod, Iris walked off towards the only hallway leading anywhere further into the mansion, finding the kitchen quickly enough by the obvious counter and stove in the room. The knight had asked for water and Iris wanted tea so while the water boiled within minutes he found a small wooden tray on which to carry the glass of water and teapot. Just in case anyone else wanted a hot drink, the courtesan placed four more cups onto the tray, arranged around the teapot. Just then, the kettle's whistled, as fast as Kendra had promised, and Iris was soon returning to the sitting room, tray in hand. Felsi's book wasn't a super interesting one; a small encyclopedia on naval navigation, including the methods of reading stars, different types of weather patterns and how to observe them, and the basic fundamentals on how to sail a boat in inclement conditions. Everything an aspiring sailor would need, but most likely very dull to those not actively interested in the topic. There was a moment of awkward silence before Kendra spoke up again. "[color palevioletred]So...where are all of you from?[/color]" "[color goldenrod]Very far away, I doubt you would have heard of it.[/color]" -Ganth shrugged -"[color goldenrod]But it hardly matters now.[/color]" [color 7588ff]"Water, was it?"[/color] he asked as he approached the armored knight. A smooth glide of movement took him towards Ganth's seat after placing the tray down almost soundlessly on a table nearby. The glass of water was offered with both hands, one to hold and the other for the cup to rest upon while Iris dipped his head in a slight bow. "[color goldenrod]Thank you.[/color]" -Ganth accepted the cup, noting the dancer's posture. He did mention it, didn't he? A...courtesan? -"[color goldenrod]There's no need to be so formal, my friend.[/color]" -Regardless, he offered Iris a smile. "[color goldenrod]I'm Ganth, inquisitor of the Pharasman faith.[/color]" Iris returned the smile, straightening. [color 7588ff]"Iris, the courtesan,"[/color] he replied, the casual admittance of his less-than-illustrious profession the invitation to ask, if there were any questions. [color 7588ff]"A pleasure to meet you, Sir Inquisitor,"[/color] though the title came out in a gently teasing tone. [color 7588ff]"Thank you for dispersing that mob from earlier, though I'd expect no less from an imposing knight like yourself."[/color] “[color goldenrod]Imposing? Am I?[/color]” -Ganth took a sip from his water, before letting his lips quirk up in a smile –“[color goldenrod]I thought I tried not to be.[/color]” [color=8dc73f]"Ah, I'll have tea please!"[/color] Tomomi spoke as she piled her traveling kit onto one corner. Reclining on one of the chairs, she let out a sigh, feeling happy to have some degree of comfort after long days of hard travel. [color=8dc73f]"I'm from Tian Xia. Just a wandering ronin, looking to see the world as she travels."[/color] [color 7588ff]"Of course, my lady,"[/color] Iris bowed in her direction before returning to the tray, pouring some of the rose hip and jasmine tea he had found into a porcelain cup and saucer and presenting the drink to Tomomi in much the same way as he had Ganth. [color 7588ff]"Tell me about your homeland? I'm afraid I've never traveled far until now, so much of my experience comes from travelers with storied pasts."[/color] Felsi had been mildly interested in the book, if only for the fact that it covered a topic she had little to no knowledge of, but at the mention of Tomomi’s homeland she snapped the book shut, returning it to its proper spot on the bookshelf. Felsi directed her gaze towards the Aasamir, [color=a6a6ea]”Oh yes, please, do tell. I’ve read much of Tian Xia, although that doesn’t quite compare to a direct account.”[/color] Felsi said, already pulling out her notebook once again. Pleased to be the center of attention, she sipped some of the tea. It tasted... different, certainly not bad, but not what she was used to. [color=8dc73f]"Hmm, where do I start... Ah, I lived on Minata, though I'm actually Tian Min, my parents moved there see."[/color] Tomomi wasted no time in telling them about her home town, about that old lady that seemed to have lived there since her father was a boy, her teacher, her training, and minute details like how certain food that was common there wasn't common here. There were of course, parts she skipped over, parts she was unwilling to speak of. [color=8dc73f]"Well, I didn't want to stay there my whole life, so I picked up what I can, and started to wander about."[/color] "[color palevioletred]Oh! Minata! My father told me stories of Minata; he went there for a about a month while I was just a little girl.[/color]" Kendra chuckled to herself, sipping some of the tea Iris had made. "[color palevioletred]He always used to bring me back little toys and candies and presents whenever he returned, and I remember him lamenting about the one thing it seemed like Minata didn't have: bakeries. The very first thing he did when he got back was take me out to one of the local baker's. '[color forestgreen]I've been craving a well-done eclair for three weeks now![/color]' he shouted as we walked in. That poor baker was so confused.[/color]" She chuckled a little harder, taking a breath before the slight wave of melancholy washed over her again, trying to hide the sudden shift by taking another sip. Quietly, Iris placed another full cup of tea on the table closest to Kendra, returning to the teapot with a feigned interest in checking how much the leaves had steeped by then. Up until now Felsi had been diligently taking notes on Tomomi's description, listening with a marked interest. However, once Kendra shifted gears she had a surprising moment of social awareness, softly shutting the book and stowing it once again, [color=8A3DFF]"He... he was a good man."[/color] Felsi said uncertainly, not quite sure how she should act in this situation. Ganth shifted uncomfortably, suddenly found his glass of water fascinating. As much as he respected Lorrimor, they were acquaintances, nothing more. Ganth had few stories to tell of the professor. When he could reasonably examine tea leaves no longer, Iris decided to follow up the comment, figuring awkward silence wouldn't help anyone's grief. [color 7588ff]"When I first met the Professor, I was servicing a client. The brazen sort with no respect for etiquette--so he had me in the room, sitting on the floor right between his legs, wearing nothing but jewelry. I remember preparing myself for all sorts of outrage and insults when the door opened and the Professor walked in."[/color] He brought the teacup to his lips, but didn't drink. [color 7588ff]"But he just asked me if--of all things--it was all right to move my clothes off the nearest chair so he could sit down."[/color] At the memory, Iris laughed into his tea, a soft exhale of quiet amusement, tempered with the sorrow underlying the occasion. [color 7588ff]"I don't think I'll ever meet anyone like that again."[/color] There was a brief moment in which Kendra looked at Iris, her expression shocked. He'd dare tell a story of his sexual exploits in a time like [i]this[/i]? But, it soon became apparent that this wasn't her thought process at all. A small smile grew across her lips, eliciting a small chuckle, before growing wider. Finally, it was full-blown laughter, with Kendra being forced to set her teacup on the stanf beside her chair to avoid spilling anything on herself. It took a few moments for her to stifle herself enough to talk, a small laugh escaping occasionally between words. "[color palevioletred]Of [i]course[/i] he did. There was nothing that fazed that my father when he was conducting business. I could have lit myself on fire and he wouldn't have even blinked if he were in the middle of research. God, what a daffy man. Move the clothing off his chair...that was him alright.[/color]" she said, shaking her head incredulously. She finally brought the tea back to her lips, hiding a wide grin this time instead of a sudden bout of sorrow. Tomomi just stared quizzically at Iris, wondering what he meant, but keeping her questions to herself. "[color goldenrod]The professor had always been...single-minded.[/color]" -Ganth concurred. The conversation from there dealt basically along the same lines; short small talk while the group awaited the arrival of the Councilman. It wouldn't take too much longer until perceptive ears heard the thumping of large feet up the stairs, or the sudden pounding at the door. Exactly an hour had passed - and there was certainly someone outside. The thick oaken wood of the doors providing the only barrier between whatever it was, and the small group huddled inside drinking tea; their own shadows, cast by the fireplace, flickering across the walls.