[color=ed1c24]"I actually did figure that out. Apparently, space pirates attacked the crew. A lot of them were vented through the entry hole. The captain was brutally murdered, seeing that made me sick. I found Breeze in a lone airlock. I rescued her, found Lachesniv and here we are. Speaking of, I think Lach is fine. I mean, I found them stuck to the side of the ship. They had some guns on them, but I think it's fine."[/color] He paused to take a sip of his drink and exhaled. Truly, Coca-Cola is the drink of kings. [color=ed1c24]"DIANTO can explain the rest."[/color] Suddenly, Nilam held out his scroll and waited. A symbol appeared, the symbol for the standard A.I. that come pre installed in every ship in the galaxy. [color=f7941d]"Of course. Our cold-blooded friend hails from a little-known swamp planet. Whenever she speaks, there may be a bit of waiting as the language is difficult to translate. There may be other things I could tell you but not without being payed."[/color] Nilam chuckled at that last bit. [color=ed1c24]"Never change, DIANTO. So yeah that's all you get at the moment. If you want yo can come aboard to see but my ship is pretty small."[/color]