[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/372373439673139200/Catherine.png[/img][/centre] [color=salmon]Catherine approached the diner and peered through the door, she was a little to large to fit in the door easily so she decided not to try and squeeze in. She couldn't see much of anything because of the crowd, she quietly whined as she tried to get a look at the cause commotion. She squinted but was unable to make any headway on why there was an uproar, then she heard the words zombie and infected being thrown around and her face grew pale.[/color][color=plum][i]Oh no...[/i][/color] [color=salmon]She went to start squeezing into the door but then more screaming rang out and her eyes widened as the horde of onlookers came rushing towards her. Catherine quickly dislodged herself from the door and backed away from the door, despite her haste she was unable to get out of the way fast enough. A fleeing citizen collided with her second right leg, it was kind of like stubbing your toe except the pain was in her entire leg. She recoiled bumping another person, the tide of people almost surrounding her. But as quickly as the people had rushed her they had vanished, Catherine held her hurt leg off the ground and gave it a gentle rub. She unconsciously growled, this would sound strange given her simple attire and fairly soft face.[/color] [color=firebrick][i]They do travel in herds... Dammed humans...[/i][/color][color=salmon] Catherine frowned at her injured leg only letting it take her focus for a moment before looking back into the diner. Shock stuck through her as she finally saw the cause of all the chaos, its shambling movements and putrid flesh easily distinguishing it. A zombie! She quickly took some steps back wincing as her sore leg hit the ground. Her eyes were wide with fear her pupils constricting and shaking. She felt her hand twitch[/color][color=firebrick][i]Let me out you idiot![/i][/color][color=salmon] Catherine shook her head at this moment running was an easy alternative then letting Aranea have at the walking corpse. She raised her sore leg off the ground and started to turn to flee with the rest of the civilians but turning for her was much slower then a normal person especially while worrying about a sore leg.[/color]